The Art of War ©️

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I keep holding on,

To someone that's nearly gone..

And as I sit on my broken throne,

I realise that I'm left alone.

Loving someone just gives you pain,

Because they'd never love you the same.

Now I'm here, trying not to mewl.

For the love I had before was cruel.

Our love was like a war, as I watched the bloodshed,

I didn't even realise that I was shot by an arrowhead.

I was shot by him, the one that I love.

A sharp thing pierced through my heart

As my knees gave up, that didn't stop me.

To fight the battle that I meant to lose.

I picked up my battle sword, ready to take a swing.

Too late...there, I bled as another shot was fired.

By the same man, who said that he'd never hurt me.

The same man, that I thought would never do this..

Then the Queen fall to the ground.

Soaked in her own blood.

The king stood there as I slowly die..

With a hint of tears in his dull eyes.

I stare up above, clutching my blood stained chest.

My eyes slowly closed, with a smile on my lips.

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