::Bria's P.O.V::

"Oh, me too" I said with a small nod, I felt a bit guilty for lying to Jacob but I just didn't want him to know that I was coming down to talk to Mrs. Parks about my parents. I didn't think he'd really understand. "Well, I'll see you at lunch then?" He asked, I nodded "yeah, at lunch".

I kissed him on the cheek yesterday, kind of regretted it to be honest, it was an 'in the moment' thing. I'm glad it didn't really change anything between us, not that we really had anything that could change. 


::Jacob's P.O.V::

I sat down at the table as I waited for Bria, Jordan, Jazmyne, and Rayan. As I did so, I read the big words that were on the back of my milk carton. Obviously I was pretty bored. My day had gone down hill ever since I left Ms. Parks' office. I ran into Chresanto and he said a couple of things to me, I realized I was now walking around with an imaginary target on my back that only he could see. 

As I was reading the words a figure came and stood across from me. I looked up and saw the one only, "um hi" I said lightly. "Did you're dad ever come back?" He asked, "Chresanto, how do you know that he left?" He didn't answer, he just had that signature smirk on his face.

That stupid signature smirk.

"I'm guessing he didn't, I don't blame him... I wouldn't want to come back to you either" I took a deep breath before setting the milk down. I looked at him but didn't say a word, "you're mom doing okay without him?" "You just love to mess with me don't you?" I suddenly asked.

He shrugged "yeah, I guess, it thrills me when I know that I can make your gay ass feel horrible" he turned around and swiftly walked to the table he was sitting at. 

I suddenly felt the fuzzy feeling in my hands. I suddenly remembered that I hadn't heard the voices all day, I forgot about them until now. "Don't do it" I said to myself, "don't do it". 

He's the last person to call you gay

"It doesn't matter all that much, where were y'all all day?" 

Where the hell would we be Jacob? We ain't got nowhere to go

"I just haven't heard you guys" 

That's cause we haven't spoken to you today, until now


It doesn't matter

I found myself getting up, I rolled my eyes. "It's getting annoying when y'all take control" I pointed out. 

I walked over to where Chresanto was sitting, I tapped his shoulder and he turned around. I balled my hand into a first and punched right in the jaw. "Call me gay one more time" I said lowly, "I dare you". He felt his jaw before standing. He took a step toward me and put his face inches away from mine, "gay". 

::Rayan's P.O.V::

I walked to the lunchroom with Bria, Jordan, and Jazmyne. "Jaden's so cute" Jordan cheesed, I rolled my eyes. This is one of the many cons when it comes to having girls as friends; having to listen to them talk about boys. "No he's not, he got a baby face" Jazmyne pointed out, "a cute one" Jordan said simply, "no Jordan, just no".

"What do you think Ray?" Jordan asked me, "um.... Sure?" I rubbed the back of my neck as I continued to walk down the hall. "He doesn't know" Bria stated, "oh, well I'm sorry I can't give you an honest opinion on a boys face" I replied.

"Plus, Jordan just focus on your education" I added, she laughed a little and said "you're just sayin that cause you've been single for so long" Jazmyne and Bria smiled. "No, I'm saying it because, that kid, Jaden ain't right for you" I said lightly, "how do you know?" "You get to know a person when you're trying to tackle him on a field of grass" I answered.

"Oh" I nodded "yeah, I heard he treats girls pretty bad, I don't really want you to be with someone like him". "Awww look at you being all brotherly!" Jordan exclaimed, I shrugged "you're my sister, maybe not by blood but still, you are too Jazmyne. I'm just trying to watch out for y'all" I confessed simply. 

When we got to the lunchroom, I opened the door and let them all go in first. I walked in behind them, "what's going on?" Jordan asked curiously. I looked around and saw a bunch of people in a circle, "another fight maybe?" Jazmyne answered.

"We should just go sit down and not get into it" I said as I began to walk to an empty table with Jazmyne and Jordan. I looked over my shoulder and saw Bria stand on her toes, trying to see pass the people; but she was too short.

"Bri, what are you doing?" I asked, "hold on" she answered. She got up on top of a table so she could see better, "oh man" she mumbled. She looked at me "it's Jacob and Chresanto", she hopped down from the table. "Go and uh, sit with Jazmyne and Jordan, I'll be there in a minute" I said to her, she nodded in response and walked off. 

I walked over to the circle of people and made my way to the center, when I did I found Chresanto and Jacob going at it. "Damn" I cursed, I walked to them and after, I want to say five, attempts I got them apart; lowkey it felt more like fifteen. 

I pulled Jacob away from Chresanto and looked at him, "what the hell was the first thing I told you when I first met you?" I asked loudly so he could hear me over the other people. "What?" He asked, "what was the first thing I told you? I told you that Chresanto could beat your ass and that you need to find your place and fast. This right here, this is not your place". 

"Then tell him to leave me alone, he's over here questioning my motherfucking sexuality and I'm sick and tired of it. I don't care if he can beat my ass, I'm pretty sure that if I really wanted to, I could beat his" he said to me, pure hatred in his voice.

"Have you seen your face?" I asked, "no, Rayan, I haven't, and I honestly don't care to okay?" "You need to watch your fucking back, Perez" Chresanto barked. I spun around "shut the hell up Chres, sit the fuck down somewhere" I replied.

"Who the hell are you talking to?" He asked, "Chresanto August, who the fuck else? You think you're all big and fucking bad, well you know what? I don't give a damn". He took a step toward me "you need to remember who you're talking to, I don't know where all of this big talk came from but it needs to go away. Why don't you take the advice you gave to Perez and find your fucking place".
Here's the chapter. Not sure when the next one will be posted. I hope your enjoying the book so far.
P.S. sorry for any mistakes.

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