before with dan howell.

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Ring ring ring ring

That was my alarm clock telling me I made another day in my bloody home, Groaning and slowly walking up from the pain of what happen yesterday..I think yesterday was the most beating I ever experience, I felt like my bones are all broken and shattered but I need to wake up to a new school day in my new school..great..just great..

I slowly make way sitting up but whimpering softly from my ribs that are hurting me.

I get up to get my light pinkish long sleeve shirt that I LOVE to wear when I get nervous, happy, or's maybe the first one though, I put my white skinny jeans on to match my pastel pink converse.

I spin slowly checking myself out "I look...decent." I shrugged and walk over my nightstand and there it was my precious pink flower crown that looked so good on my autumn hair that was curly but I had to straighten it so hold up my precious flower crown.

I straighten my curly hair that I hate for people to see because they'll make fun of me more, I make my way to my flower crown and put it on the crown of my head.

I softly smile "time to go to hell Daniel." I mumbled as I look down picking up my phone and putting it on the back of my pocket.

I put my book bag on my left shoulder that was a pastel pink one with a little rose as a key chain. that I love as well.

"Freak why am I going..oh yeah you have too.." I roll my eyes and walk out my door, turning off my light.

I walk slowly downstairs till I hear a deep voice breathing behind me "hey fag, are you going to get your ass fucked today?" my father said very husky and raspy.

"I-I'm going t-to school, s-sir." I stuttered with fear in my voice.

"Sure try not to get hiv, fag." he said sternly

I took a deep breath and walked all the way to my front door and slammed it quickly so he won't see me cry as I feel defended.
Crying making my way to the new school, in my new neighborhood that I shouldn't show my feelings and emotions.

So I wiped off my tears of pain and torture, I just walked very shyly making my way to the school gate.

"Can you walk any faster, fag." I heard a voice that sounded really deep and next I know I'm done in the ground face first on the hard ground.

Hello everyone who's seeing this. I'll post the next chapter tomorrow and make a Phil pox that day. Okay sweethearts I hope you liked Dan's pox and find it really interesting. Okay kisses xxx

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