The battle for the girl...

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A/N: what's your Favorite season?

Zanes POV:
We got the the fan.... It was quiet on the way there... Chase was on the computer coming up with a plan .... Dakota was practicing her punches.... It was a boring drive but we got there quickly.... It was dark... No not the building, but it was the feeling radiating from the inside... It reminded me of myself.... Miserable, angry, and lonely..."alright let's head in! I'm ready to bash some skulls!" "No Dakota we have to take this slowly..."After chase said that they started to argue... "Enough both of you! We need to get in there and save KC"... They both settled down and nodded... "Is uh... She important to you?" I glared at chase "uh.. N-no.. She's my best friends.. Uh friend.." They rolled there eyes.... I just ignored them and headed towards the building... "Alright four eyes what's the 'genius' plan" he rolled his eyes and pushed up his glasses... "Well the only way in is through the door...." We took a moment to think before opening the door... Chase and me readied our guns while Dakota 'warmed up' her fists.... Dakota decided to kick down the door.. There were a few guard, we watched as they started dropping like flys.... Each gun shot made me angrier... Knowing that Aphs friend was being tortured against her will...

Kawaii-chans POV:
I watched him freak out about his plans not working... Reese paced the floor helplessly... Apparently we were being attacked by the 'cops'... "Kawaii~chan! Go get ready to fight!" I did as he said.... I put on my mask and kimono... I picked up my katana and was ready to fight.....

Zanes POV:
We took down each guard one by one... This was easy... Too easy... I knew something was coming I sensed it... I could tell chase and Dakota sensed the same thing I did... Whatever it was it wasn't friendly... We finished off the last guard and headed to another room... We opened the door.... We felt a rush of despair and misery... It was terrifying.. "N-no... It c-can't be..." I froze, I didn't know what to feel.... Dakota and chase knew who it was by my reaction... We were all shocked.. "Z-Zane are you sure t-this is her" this was the first time I heard Dakota stutter in fear... I felt something drip down my face... What was this... I've never felt this way before.... I continued to feel more drop running down my cheek and through my mask... I finally knew what was happening... I was crying..... "Zane! I am here to finish you off! If you want to put up a fight then please do! But if you're going to cry then I finish you off in your misery..." I can't believe what I'm hearing.. Is this even the Same Kawaii-chan... And what happened to her talking in third person.... She speeded towards me... All I saw was the death In Her eyes behind her mask... But I grabbed the Sword... I was bleeding.... "Your an idiot to challenge me!"... I didn't know what was happening to me .... Everything was clouding up i couldn't see.... What was this feeling..

Kawaii-chans POV
He was more skilled them I thought.. I charged at him with
My sword again but he dodged it... I swung back at his side but he dodged again... Then next thing I knew he was behind me...Gr what is he! "Kawaii-chan" I felt a hand on my shoulder , it was shaking in sadness... It was Zane..... " please... Stop this... Aphmau is waiting for your return.." the idiot is soft ! I'm going to tear him apart!!! I swung my sword at him again... Damnit he dodged again!!!! "JUST FIGHT ME!!!" I could feel something warm drip down my face... Am I crying? NO I CANT BE CRYING! Not me! I dropped my sword and my hands were shaking... I pathetically tried to punch him.. Over... And over... And over again.... But I couldn't stand properly... I forgot about all my plans... I forgot about the cold harsh reality... I just froze.. We both stood there frozen , his friends were shocked at the sight... Next thing I knew I was being hugged... It was warm... And soft.... I was still crying but I stopped shaking.... I felt safe...

BUM BUM BUUUUM! Cliff hanger! What happens to KC and Zane? Where's Reese? Is there a new character being introduced soon? How's aphmau doing? Well you'll just have to see next chapter!

( ^ω^ )

I promise (zane~chan fan fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant