The change...

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     Hey guys before we get to the story I just wanted to say what I think about APHS new series.... So far all the comments are either saying "I hate it" or "I love it".... Personally I'm not a HUGE fan but I can tell it took along time to make..... I also think it's a lot like a mix of fairy tail and SAO...... But that's my personal opinion.... Now here's the story....

Kawaii~chans POV

       Awwwww it's been so slow today! Kawaii~chan hates the morning cause it takes along time for people to come! Most people come to the mall in the afternoon..... Uhh Kawaii~chan gets so booooooorrrrreeeed! "Uh excuse me"-??? Uh what yay someone is here!!!! "Uh yes how can Kawaii~chan help you"-kawaii~chan..... "Can I get a table and uhhhh mocha latte..."-??? "S-sure k-Kawaii~chan will get the coffee and uh sit anywhere you want...."-Kawaii~chan. Uhhhhhh I can't believe Kawaii~chan stuttered..... H-he just has beautiful blue eyes! Uh whatever I just have to do my job..... P-Plus I have Reese~senpai!

Zanes POV

    Uhhhh that was Weird I swear that girl just stuttered.... Oh whatever I'm just here for coffee... But I also wonder..... Why does this girl speak in third person? It's kinda weird..... She's also sooo happy.... I can tell by just looking at her that she's always.... Happy... Huh maybe if she's willing I could talk to her... She's so different from a lot of girls I've seen.....

Kawaii~chans POV

     Kawaii~chan finished the coffee! Yay!!!! Now all Kawaii~chan has to do is not stutter and make some casual chit chat! This will be easy!

See you in the next chapter! I'm trying to make these chapters short so I can add more chapters!

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