Aphs house!

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Hey guys you can still send suggestion for chapters, I just figured out what to do... Ps I'm going to start doing Q/A at the beginning of my chapters. I just want to get to know my readers better... So here ya go

Q/A: what fanfic should I do next? And should it be a story, one shot, or lemon?

????? POV
"Have you been tracking her properly, we're NOT going to lose her OK!"-??? "y-yes s-sir"-??? "OK GOOD! We can start our plan soon....."-???

Aphmaus POV
YAYAYAYAYAYAY I'm Sooooooo happy having both of my friends come over today! Hopefully they get along.... I even asked Aaron to get out of our house because I wanted some time with just me and them!
Oh whatever I'm sure we'll have a great time! Plus I need to get them together! Yes I know they just met and whatever but Zane needs Someone in his life I can't be there forever....( ^ω^ ) plus they are polar opposites so ya know OPPOSITES ATTRACT!

Zanes POV
I started to drive to Aphs house but got a little caught in traffic so I texted telling her I'd be late.....

Kawaii~chans POV
YAY! Kawaii~chan got in her car and started to go to aphmau-senpais house! Oh Kawaii~chan is sooo excited! Kawaii~chan told aphmau-senpai that Kawaii~chan would be early... Oh well

Aphmaus POV
I get everything ready, and then I sit and wait...... Geez it's so boring without Aaron around, living by yourself must really suck..... (^_^)hmmmm.... Any way I'll just watch some TV until Kawaii~chan gets here.....

-•-time skip 15 minutes-•-

Kawaii~chans POV
YAY! Kawaii~chan is finally here, Kawaii~chan rings the doorbell.... "Who is it"-aphmau "Kawaii~chan is here"-Kawaii~cha..... The door swings open and aphmau-senpai hugs Kawaii~chan "ahhhh kawaii~chan you left me here to rot it's been hours!!!!"-aphmau "uhhh aphmau-senpai it's only been 15 minutes"-Kawaii~chan..... She let go and we went inside and talked....

-•-time skip 15 minutes-•-

Zanes POV
I walk up to aphmaus house... I can't believe it took me 30 minutes to get here... It usually only takes 19 minutes... Whatever I reach for the doorbell but before I could ring it....*bam* the door swings open and I look to see two very upset girls...*sweatdrop* "uhhh hi"-Zane "Zane you fat nugget Did you run here or something"-aphmau "yeah Zane-Kun , Kawaii~chan and aphmau-Senpai were soooo bored!"-Kawaii~chan...... "It's not my fault that traffic was backed up, and don't call me a fat nugget aph"-Zane... I give aph a death glare and she lets out a little meep... We all walk inside and decided to watch tv "let's watch my little horseys!"-aphmau I let out a fake groan cause Kawaii~chan is here.... Plus I just met her, I don't even know if she likes my little horseys.... "YAY THATS KAWAII~CHANS FAVORITE SHOW! Come on Zane-Kun watch it..."-Kawaii~chan, she puffs out her cheeks and looks at me "fiiiiiine "-Zane I can see aph roll her eyes cause she know I like the show.... But Kawaii~chan looks happy... Huh I guess it's no surprise she likes the show....
We watch all the new episodes ,Kawaii~chan bakes we help, we go outside and talk, we played two truths and a lie, and overall we have a great time.....

????? POV
Heh I found you "keep a tracker on their car!"-???? "Yes sir"-a group of four people say.... Just you wait

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