Chapter 22: Alice Vs. Raven (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Raven lets the orb rest on her palm before she lets it float away through the ceiling and out of sight. Then her eyes go back to a grinning Alice.

"Ah, that was cruel, Raven. I was having so much fun torturing the kid." Alice says tilting her head to the side. She stares at her, not even a blink. Alice's smile once more fades as she glares at Raven who doesn't give her the kind of reactions she wants. Alice angers more and more, seeing that she can't even get a glare from Raven, who simply stands there.

"I'm guessing those little sacrifices called you up, eh? But now you're not strong enough to handle Alice." Alice giggles, and snaps her own arm until the bone pops out. She laughs at the pain, and then pulls out a bone that looks like a blade. Her arm heals and replenishes the bone that she had removed.

"This is our final showdown then, Raven. . .This time I'll come out of this the winner, Death." Alice says tilting her head until her neck snaps. Usually someone would cringe at the sound of snapping bone, but this is Raven, and she doesn't care at all.

"Alice of Human Sacrifice, Evil incarnate. . .This is where you shall end. I cannot stop evil, but I can at least destroy it's embodiment. Seal away your being." Raven breaks her scythe in half, letting them morph into two katanas. She twirls them around, holding one above her head horizontally as well as the other one, but that one is down in front of her. Alice grins once more, and her eyes turn red, the whites of her eyes become pitch black, and she moves her leg forward.

Alice throws her hand out, and sends a bunch of thorny rose vines right at Raven, who remains in place. She changes positions, and starts to twirl her katanas around in order to chop up the vines that come at her. She closes her eyes, and black starts to escape the katanas. They start to rot and disintegrate, the true power of Death begins to show.

Alice clenches her teeth tightly, but keeps the tight smile on her face. "Just be a good girl, Raven, and die!" Alice yells out and twirls around, becoming an explosion of red butterflies. Raven keeps her eyes on all of the scattering beings, but her attention is diverted away to the sound of heavy breathing. Raven lifts her head to look up at The Rake and BOB both even more deformed since Alice worked around it and fused them together.

"You poor creatures. You have been defiled by sin and evil. I'll end your misery then." Raven puts the ends of her katanas together, they merge and now are a double edged sword. She twirls it around, and the speed increases as the area in front of the spinning blade begins to decay. The Rake and BOB creature starts to run, but the decay reaches them and destroys them. They aren't the only ones destroyed, but the foundation of the academy. It causes a domino effect and the building begins to fall in on itself.

Alice and Raven dodge the falling debris while also clashing blades. Alice enjoying herself to the fullest, while Raven remains unaffected by anything. Her expression remains neutral and empty. They are both prepared to defeat one another.


"Whoa, wait, what's that rumbling?!" Blood stumbles around as the building starts to warp around them, making them lose their balance. The scenery around them seems to start running like paint, leaving nothingness where there was something.

Harlie and Broken take advantage and run to the others, this time nothing is able to stop them from reaching the others.

"I think Alice is losing focus on the dream! I think that hunter, Raven, she's finally facing Alice! Maybe she wasn't caught up in her nightmare! But we might disappear here too if we don't wake up!" Harlie warns her friends before they become relieved that the dream is falling apart.

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