Chapter 14: Recovery

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You woke up in your own bed, feeling surprisingly comfortable considering your recent near-death experience.  You opened your eyes to find that Bill and Will had wrapped you in your blankets like a burrito.  They were now lying on either side of you, both fast asleep, keeping you warm.  Actually, you were a little bit too warm.  You struggled to pull your arms out of your cocoon, noticing that you were wearing Will's blue sweater.  It's really soft.  No wonder it's his favorite.

Bill's eye opened as soon as you started moving.  "Y/N?  How are you feeling?" he asked softly.

"I'm-" you were overtaken by a coughing fit before you could say "fine."  Bill helped you sit up, patting your back gently as Will jerked awake.

"Y/N!" he cried, sitting up frantically.  "Are you alive?  Am I alive?"

You knew that waking up panicked was normal for him, but you were still concerned by how pale his face was.  We've both been through quite the trauma, you thought to yourself.

"Yes, Will, we're both alive," you whispered, voice hoarse.  "Bill saved us just in time."

"H-he did?  You did?"  Will's face changed from shock to disbelief to distrust.  "Why?" he asked suspiciously.

"Did you not hear my speech back there?  Jeez, what was the point of charging to the rescue if you're not even going to be a good audience about it?" Bill stood up, acting offended.  "See if I ever save your life again, crybaby."

You reached towards him, almost falling off the bed as you caught his wrist.  He looked back at you, still acting angry.

"Thank you for saving us, Bill," you whispered.

His face softened.  "See?  Now that's how you treat a hero.  You could take a lesson from Y/N, Will."  He waited expectantly.

Will looked away, embarrassed.  "Th-thanks," he mumbled.

"That's better.  Now, first order of business.  Y/N, I'm hoping you'll take my heroism into consideration, but you still have to decide on a punishment."

Will flinched at the word, probably remembering his own punishments at the hands of the Gleefuls.

You frowned.  "I don't follow.  Punishment?  For what?"

He acted indifferent, but you could sense the anxiety underneath.  "I did break all of your rules, remember?  I used magic on the Stans without your permission, I technically "bothered" Will by rescuing him, and here I am, back in your house without your say-so."  He spread his hands wide.  "So, what's my sentence to be?"

You stared at him for a moment.  Is he joking?  Does he really expect me to be angry with him?  No matter how flippant he was acting, you could detect the uncertainty in his eyes.  You reached for him and grabbed his bow tie, pulling him towards you and gently kissing him on the cheek.  He stiffened in surprise.

"There," you whispered.  "I hope you've learned your lesson."  You let go and he pulled back, face reddening.  He wouldn't meet your eyes.

You looked around to see Will staring at you with a hurt expression on his face.  You leaned over, pecking him on the cheek as well.  "And I'm glad you're okay, Will."  His face turned an alarming shade of scarlet and you almost laughed, but started coughing again.

"And, that's enough of that," Bill said decisively, pushing you back onto your pillow as Will climbed over you and stood up.  "You just stay there like a good human, and we'll fix you something for breakfast."

You looked at them skeptically.  "You're kidding, right?  No offense, but neither of you know the first thing about human food."

"I'm an all-knowing, all-powerful demon, and he's got plenty of experience with humans!" Bill chuckled, steering Will out of the room.  "Between the two of us, I'm sure we can approximate something edible!"

You watched them leave with absolutely zero confidence in their abilities.  Sure enough, you heard a crashing sound a few minutes later.

You took a deep breath and steeled yourself, climbing slowly out of bed.  As soon as you were on your feet, a wave of dizziness hit you and you almost fell over again, coughing violently.  As soon as you were stable, you made your way to the door, almost falling over again.  You heard more crashing noises from the kitchen.

You made it down the hall, one hand against the wall, and stopped in the doorway to the kitchen, surveying the carnage in silence.

The fridge and freezer were open, their contents strewn all over the floor.  Will was standing at the sink, staring with bemusement at the faucet handle in his hand as the broken sink overflowed onto the floor.  Bill was at the stove, all four burners on "incinerate," watching with interest as the flames caught the drapes.

They both turned and noticed you as you started to giggle.  You leaned against the wall, trying to keep your balance as your laughter grew louder, turning into a full-blown laugh attack.  Tears ran down your face.  You couldn't stop laughing even as you started coughing, gasping for breath around your choking giggles.  You started to get dizzy and lost your balance.  You felt hands catch you, but you were still laughing.

You felt yourself scooped up and dumped on the couch like a sack of laundry.  You were still giggling when you felt a blanket thrown over you.  You could barely see a yellow blur through the tears.

"Bad human," you heard him say.  "Don't make me break your rules again and force you to rest."  You heard his retreating footsteps, then the yellow blur was replaced in your field of vision with a blue one.  Will sat on the couch next to you and gently brushed your hair back.

"I wanted to m-make you breakfast," he said, ashamed.

"It's okay, Will.  You tried your best and I appreciate it," you said hoarsely.  Up close, you could see that he was still pale and shaking slightly.

"You okay?" you asked him.

"Y-yeah, I'm still just a little weak, that's all.  Don't w-worry about me."

"How about we get food delivered, then we both take a long nap?  I trust Bill not to burn the place down for a couple of hours."  You smiled slightly.

"O-okay, what do you want to eat?" he asked.

"I want pizza," you mumbled.

"That's not healthy," he scolded.

"I don't care.  I almost drowned and froze to death.  I probably caught pneumonia.  I want to be babied."

"Pizza it is," he said, caving immediately.

"My phone's still broken," you remembered.

"I'll figure it out," he promised.

You closed your eyes, dozing off as Will figured out how to order delivery online.  He didn't shake you awake until the pizza arrived.  The smell made you want to throw up.  You choked down a slice, wishing you'd chosen something healthier but not wanting to give Will the satisfaction of hearing you say it.

"Okay.  Naptime," you muttered to yourself.  Will helped you stand up and head back down the hall.  You paused when you saw the remains of your kitchen.

"Bill, I expect you to do something about this mess," you instructed, not waiting for an acknowledgement before you went into your room and closed the door behind you both.  Will tried to leave the room, but you caught his arm and leaned against him.

"I'm really cold, Will.  Stay with me?"  You looked in his eye pleadingly.

"F-fine."  He lay down with you and wrapped your blanket around you both, tucking you in tightly.  You snuggled in close and fell asleep almost immediately.

Down the hall, Bill was picking up some of the food that had fallen out of the freezer when he overheard the exchange.  His eye turned red.

"Has she forgotten already?  I don't like sharing what's mine," he hissed.  The box in his hands burst into blue flames and crumbled to ash.

UnWilling Roommates (Bill x Reader x Will)Where stories live. Discover now