Silver Lark

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As I was contemplating my love life, I tripped over something. “Owy” I mumbled, face planted in the grass. I felt the ground tremble.

“Land mine!” Adrian said and pulled me to my feet. “Run!” he shouted over the loud rumbling and we ran towards the forest at the end of the grassy field.

The ground shook violently and I was thrown to the side knocking in to Adrian. He caught me as a loud roar boomed behind us. I stopped running and stared at the humongous monster with eight heads. It had violet scales like a snake and huge waxy wings, its 16 eyes were a muddy yellow and it hissed with a long forked tongue.

“What the heck is that.” I whispered and as if to answer my question, a long scrolling banner appeared in front of the creature.

Hydra, Level: 8, Monster, Mood: Aggressive, Abilities: Fire, Weapons: Poisonous tail spikes.

“Oh great” Adrian sighed and pulled the cloth off his sword. It was a deep red and had black shadows swarming over it. “Blake,” he said, turning to me “Stay back.”

I crossed my arms as he sprinted forward to confront the monster. I was slightly offended. Didn’t I have any powers or weapons? Think Blake think, how do I access my inventory? “Inventory” I said out loud and nothing happened. “Home? Weapons? Stuff?” Nothing “Oh, I don’t know, Status?” a bright blue banner popped up in front of me.

“Awesome!” I said patting myself on the back. “Let’s see.”

Silver Lark, Level: 1, Mercenary, Mood: Excited. Abilities: Voice. Weapons: none.

Ugh, I had no weapons. And what kind of name is Silver Lark? My ability was voice, huh. I looked around to see the field was empty. “Adrian?” I said and a bloody Hydra head fell two feet away from me. “Eww that’s nasty” I looked up to see Adrian battling with a now 10 headed monster in the sky. He was hanging on to the back of the Hydra as it violently flapped its wings.

I wanted to help, but how? I thought of an idea. I ran to the forest and climbed up the first tree I met, cursing that Sally girl for the stupidly inconvenient clothing. Then, when I reached the top of the tree I shouted “Hey over here fathead!” the Hydra whipped its ten heads towards me and while it was distracted Adrian sliced of one of its wings. It let loose a howl and landed with a loud thump.

Winner: Shadow Reaper and Silver Lark, Loser: Hydra, Reward: Ice Sabre.

I climbed down the tree and dropped to my feet. Adrian wiped off the Hydra blood, the Hydra had disintegrated, and Adrian walked towards me. “Thanks” he said handing me the reward.

“Wait, I can’t take this, I didn’t do anything except for yell insults.”

He chuckled “I already have a sword, you can have this one, think of it as your first battle souvenir.”

I took the Ice Sabre from him, it was surprisingly light. Frost trailed down the silver blade, and the handle had a steel flourish that weaved over my hand when I held it. “I love it!” I said and gave Adrian a hug. He coughed and I let go awkwardly.

“Uh, thanks” I said “And by the way, why is your name cooler than mine?” this broke the tension and we laughed and argued our way to the camp where Lucian was waiting.

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