Mean Girls Aren't Demons

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We reached a large clearing with small and large tents set up. The tents were in all different colors but mostly brown and green. There was a fire in the middle of the circle of tents and a group of people stood near it.

“ShadowReaper!” Lucian called out and jogged to us. He was wearing a dark blue tunic but other than that looked the same as in real life. He gave me a long stare “Samantha?” I gave him a hard punch in the shoulder.

“Blake, you idiot”

He laughed and scratched his blonde head “Whoops” his eyes got more serious as he turned to Adrian “Adrian, we have a problem. None of the players can log off or use their special abilities, at this rate we’ll die because of the monsters that roam in this game.”

Adrian raked a hand through his dark hair “has anyone died yet?”

Lucian nodded “Yes, however our communication from the outside world has been cut off so we don’t know whether they get logged off after they die or…” he sighed “vanish.”

“Let me talk to the people” Adrian said and looked at me, “Blake, stay here.” They walked off towards the group of people and I stood there frozen. Trapped? In a video game? I was freaking out.

“Pss” someone said and I looked around, but there was no one there. “Pss, up here” I looked up and saw this guy with glasses on a tree branch above me. “Whoooa!” he wobbled before crashing into a heap at my feet. He jumped up and looked around. “Come on, let’s go!” he grabbed my hand and started to run away from the camp.

“Hey,” I said slightly confused at why I was being dragged away by a stranger, “Hey!” I said louder and he shushed me. “Who are you?” I said trying to pull my hand away from his and found it was impossible, for as much as he was scrawny he had a strong grip.

“Orion” he whispered, his brown hair flopped in his eyes. He reached a tree with a strange knothole on it and tapped it twice. The trunk of the tree shuddered and the knot hole widened. “Come on” he said and dragged me after him into the tree.

“Orion, is this her?” I heard a woman’s voice above where I was sprawled out on the floor. That was pretty freaky, I had never gone into a tree before.

“Yep” he said and walked off. I sat up and looked around me. This was defiantly not the inside of a tree. It looked like the inside of a mansion, and a sleek modern one too.

“Where am I?” I asked seeing the woman for the first time. She was wearing a long black dress and had long hair that pooled at the ground and it was pure white, it gave off a glow. She didn’t look old as her hair suggested but timeless, not young nor old, but somewhere in between.

“You’re in my home” she said and started to brush her hair with a silver brush. Okaaay, that was random.

“Is this a part of the game?” I asked and she shook her head. I got excited “so that means I’m in the real world right?” she nodded. “which means that the players can just go through the tree and come back to the real world!” I clapped my hands together and she laughed. “What?” I said frowning.

“You’re so naive” she went over to a window and tossed open the curtains. I walked over the window and she pointed. “Look” a beautiful tropical landscape was outside the window.

“This isn’t the U.S is it?” I asked and a dragon flew past the window. No kidding.

She ignored my question “You’re friends can’t come here”

“Why?” I exclaimed.

“Dear, do you know what a demon portal is?”

I nodded, “of course, they’re portals found in imperfect objects. Demons use them to move from realm to realm and cause mischief.”  I stated. She rolled her eyes.

“Just because we’re demons doesn’t mean we all cause mischief in the mortal world, that’s just the idiots who want to get vaporized by the Council.”

I stopped her “Wait, we?”  

She nodded “Yes dear, we are demons, that’s why your friends can’t come here. How else would you have gone through the demon portal?”

I looked at her in horror. The knot hole was a demon portal? That meant that I was a demon?

Holy Shiz

“Wait, wait, wait” I held up a hand. “I am a witch” she gave me an exasperated look.

“You are a demon changeling” she said slowly as if talking to a child.

“But, I have powers” I said grasping at straws.

“Demons have powers”

“But, I-” she cut me off. “Look, you are my granddaughter, I’m pretty sure I could tell once you get all that glamour off.”

“Huh?” I said dazed.

“One second,” she went to a closet and pulled out a grey fabric bag. “here we are” she pulled out a long mirror and tossed it at me. I let loose a shriek as it crashed into me. Oww, that’s going to leave a bruise.

“Sorry dear” she flicked her wrist and the mirror floated off of me and softly landed in front of the couch.

“Hmm” she said walking around me.

“So you’re my grandma?” I asked, still in denial but just wanting to make sure I had heard her correct.

“What?” she looked up “Oh yes, my actual name is Silvia, don’t call me grandma it makes me sound old. Your mother ran off with that blasted low ranking demon and whoopedoo got pregnant with you.”

“You can’t expect me to believe this” I started to walk away and she sent out a mass of darkness.

“Yep, you’ve got to embrace your heritage dear.” I yelped and pushed away the dark mass. Gosh, now would be a really good time to use that Ice Sabre, or defensive magic, if I knew any.

“Ugh!” I shouted as the black mass formed into a rope and wrapped around me.

“Okay, now where was I?” she picked up her grey bag, “oh here it is.” She held up a black taser.

“Whoa, lady” I said, eyes widening “I’m sorry for running, don’t taser me!”

“Oh don’t be ridiculous, this isn’t a taser, this is a glamour remover, hold still” she flicked the switch and jabbed me with it.

“Yow” I jumped and started laughing “No stop! It tickles!” I kept laughing and my stomach started to hurt.

“All done” she pulled me towards the mirror and I peered closer.

“Nice picture, who’s that?”

She whacked my head “that’s you dummy”

I scrunched my face, the girl scrunched her face. I stuck my tongue out, she stuck her tongue out. “What did you do?” I cried. Silvia retracted her shadow rope and sat down on the couch.

“I just unraveled the glamour that those idiot witches put on you.”

I had platinum blonde hair that was down to my waist and sharp beautiful features. And on top of all of that, I had on a poufy white dress.

“I look like the mean girl in mean girls!” I cried running out the door away from the mirror and Silvia shouted after me “make yourself at home!”

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