My Enchanted Suitcase

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“It’s right next to my dorm actually.” Earl said and drew me out of my thoughts.

“Oh, okay” we started walking down the hallway and I managed to not get elbowed or stepped on by walking behind Earl’s tall frame. We passed by several classrooms that were still in session and I noticed several of the teachers were supernatural. One of the classrooms we passed by had smoke drifting under the door. I sent Earl an alarmed look and he smiled “AP Potions.”

I followed him outside and saw a long winding path leading to nowhere. “You’re kidding” I stated and crossed my arms. “How long do we have to walk to get there?” I asked and he gave me a secretive smile, eyes twinkling with mischief. From the pocket of his jeans he pulled out a silver whistle and blew. A first the air was filled with silence but then I heard a heavy flapping sound coming nearer.

With a soft thump, the creature landed powerfully on its paws and folded its wings on its side. “Hey Sheka” Earl cooed and gave the creature a pat on its head and it proudfully brushed him off. It stalked toward me and I froze realizing that it was in fact a gryphon. Her eyes were shockingly human though her beak, wings, and tail stated otherwise.

“Hold out your hand” Earl said and I hesitantly stuck it out in front of me.

“Kaw!” she said and I jumped. Sheka seemed to size me up before coughing something into my hand.

“Ew” I scrunched up my nose, she harrumphed at my reaction. The ball of slime dissolved and I saw a silver whistle lying in my palm.  “Whoa” I said and looked up to see Earl amused at my reaction. “Does she keep a bunch of these in her stomach for new kids?” Sheka snorted and bumped my shoulder.

“No” he said and before I could ask where the whistle came from he continued talking “It’s magick.”

I rolled my eyes. With a swift movement he was mounted on Sheka’s broad back. “Coming?”

I excitedly grinned “Defiantly” then I looked at the distance from the ground to her back. Seeing  my dilemma, he stuck out a hand. I took his hand and he hoisted me up.

“Hold on tight!” he grinned and I blushed, loosely wrapping my arms around his waist. Sheka unfolded her wings and started running. I wobbled dangerously and with a shriek I tightly grabbed Earl’s waist. Sheka gave a powerful pounce, we were airborne.  

The wind whistled in my ears and the breath was tight in my chest. It was accelerating. The school got smaller and we were flying over a scary forest. I peered over the edges of Sheka’s wings and gulped, we were very far up.

In the distance, there was a castle on a hill. Yep, you heard me right, a castle, on a frickin hill. How much money did the founders have anyway? The castle got closer and I deemed it no larger than the academy (which was giant by the way). I looked around Earl’s shoulder at my schedule, which was crinkled up in my death grip. Dorm B, hmm does that means there’s more than one dorm? “Earl?” I said and there was no response.  “Earl!” I shouted and he looked back at me.

“What?” he exclaimed as if I had randomly shouted.

“I was trying ask you something, but you were in Nana land” I explained and he laughed.

“Sorry, I was talking with Sheka” he replied.

“Oh okay” I loosened my grip on him and tried to get used to the weirdness that was happening today.

“What did you want to ask?” he prompted and I thought for a second.

“Oh yeah!” I shouted excitedly suddenly remembering. Earl winced and I noticed that I had shouted into his ear. Hehe, whoops! I quickly apologized. “So, are there more dorms?” I asked curiously and he nodded.

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