Those Creepy Teachers that Scare the Heck out of You

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I awoke to the sound of dying cats. “What in the world of snicker doodles?” I exclaimed and sat up, instantly regretting the movement when the blood rushed to my head and made it spin. I was sitting on a bed in a medieval decorated room. “Huh?” I said looking around, the sound was gone, where was I?

“Oh, you’re awake, I was wondering when you were going to wake up.” A short old lady with a cane hobbled to my bedside.

“Who are you?” I asked and tossed off the thin blanket.

“I’m Elsa, the nurse here.” She stuck a thermometer in my mouth” I haven’t seen you around here. Are you the new brat?”

I tried to say yes but there was an object in my mouth so I settled with a nod.

“Well, your friends have been pestering me to see you so you can go out now, how do you even know these kids? You just got here! No fever” she stated and pulled out the thermometer. I sat there wondering if I was should thank her or something.

She gave me a look “what are you waiting for? Shoo!” she folded the blanket as I got up and held up her cane. “Oh, and pick up that note on my desk will ya, the brat who carried you here left it.”

What brat? Ooh… Merlin. I quickly walked out of the strange room and found the note on the side of an elaborately carved desk.

Dear Blake,

I hope you don’t hate me but school tradition is to bang the new kid on their head, or something of the sorts, to get rid of the visitor’s enchantment. Have I mentioned my mom’s quirky sense of humor? Anyway, I found the perfect opportunity and I took it (sorry!).



I barked out a laugh, Earl? He wanted to be called Earl? It was just as dorky as Merlin. Well that enchantment stuff explained the décor that I hadn’t noticed before, it’s almost as if I had been teleported in to the medieval ages… except with modern technology. I was still chuckling about Merlin’s choice of nick names when I stepped into the hall and was bombarded with my new friends.

“Omg are you okay?”

“Dude, I thought you were dead”

“You were out for like 5 hours.”

“Merlin is such a hottie” We all turned to Lamia. Her flaming red face contrasted with her black hair. “What?” she exclaimed “I’m just saying!”

 “Anyways” I drawled out, “I have made a full recovery and caught up with my sleep too.”

“That good, I swear if you were out for just one more hour I would have called Merlin back to kiss you awake.” Aviera innocently twisted a strand of her long red curly hair and I mock punched her.

“That’s so evil!” realizing the irony of my words we cracked up.

Dong Dong Dong….

“Oh crap it’s time for 6th hour” Lucian shouted and ran around like a headless chicken. I just stared at him. “Actually, Lucian has one of the highest grades in the school.” Adrian commented from beside me and I screamed.

“Where the heck did you come from?!”

He scratched his spiky black hair. I noticed he had multiple ear piercings.

“Um, I’ve been here the whole time” I blinked at him and he waved his hand in front his shirt, it quickly changed to a black fabric color. “I’m a Blender duh”. I gave him a blank look, I probably looked like a dork but hey, the only magic in my life was my parents and it’s not like I ever listened to them when they were talking. He explained slowly as if I were a child “Blenders are kinda like chameleons of the witch world.”

I nodded and Lamia dumped my pack of papers in my hands as well as my 2 ton suitcase. “What do you have in there?” she huffed and I chuckled.

“My closet”

Aviera snatched my schedule from me. “Lemme see what classes we have together”

The art of magic

Intro to magic spells and potions

Group training




The true history of earth

Turns out Aviera had demonology with me, Lucian had potions with me, Adrian had group training and history with me, and Lamia was in none of my classes. “Sucks” she said with a sigh and I agreed with her.

“So I guess I’m going to history next hour?” I said as we walked to the end of the hallway.

“Yep, see ya!” Aviera waved and they went their separate ways, only Adrian had remained. He started to stroll away and I ran to keep up with him.

“We’re in the same class right?” I asked and he nodded his head, actually it was more of those head thingys that guys do, a cross between a jerk and nod. Realizing that he wasn’t going to do much more talking we fell into a rhythm, for every one step he took, I took 3. In my defense I had a very problematic suitcase who thought it would slow me down by tipping over and dragging on the wrong side. While I was walking, or rather jogging, down the hall I noticed a series of portraits, they were actually quite creepy due to their dark clothes and creepy smiles. However, there was one in particular that caught my eye, it was a portrait of a little girl when all of the others were of adults, and it looked naggingly familiar I brushed off the feeling when we finally got to the room. The bell had already rung and we were late.

I didn’t really care nor did Adrian so we took our time walking in. The classroom had a tall ceiling and maroon walls decorated with paintings, yes painting and not normal posters, of wars. I left my suitcase at the door and strolled in, there was no teacher so I followed Adrian to back of the room. Halfway there I felt a chill on my neck, I turned around and saw a few bored students but no one was behind me. I started walking and there it was again! The creepy chilly feeling.

Determined to find out who it was I gave the person closest to me a hard stare, the red haired girl gave me a look that said What the heck man and I blushed in apology. Just as I turned around there was a bark of laughter and i gasped, no wonder I didn’t see the person, he was above me!

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