Chapter 1

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"Onie! More tea!" My mother screamed from our small living room. "Coming mother" I quickly said, running from the kitchen with a tray full of different types of teas and small crackers with multiple cheeses. "Sorry it took so long mother" I said. "Don't call me that." She whisper quietly so the family across from her wouldn't hear. "Anyways, as you can see she's a good listener, she can cook, and she cleans very well. She would make an excellent maid." She said talking to the nice family who was here to meet me and to hopefully adopt me. "Yes she would, but she looks too old for what we're looking for" said the nice lady. "We were hoping she was younger. We already have a 15 year old son so we don't want another teen" she said getting up from the small couch. "I could offer less money. In fact no money at all! Take her! She's free to you from me!" "No I'm sorry, but it was wonderful meeting you Onie!" Shaking my hand lightly, I nodded and looked up showing my dark blue eyes with my gold freckles and gave a small smile before she and her husband left. So long for having a nice family who would love me, I thought "But, please." My mother said, the couple shook their heads and slowly shut the door behind them. My mother stood at the door frame just standing there. I walked from behind her to start cleaning up the teas and snacks. "Why can't you be normal!" She said hitting me in the back of my head with her hand sending my headband flying off. I turned around quickly leaning up against the table. "Like what's wrong with you! You have gold all over your face! And I loved you, but now your nothing more then just a maid!" Slapping my face. "I'm sorry, mother" I said, placing my hand on the soon to be red hand print on my freckled check. "What did I say don't call me your mother anymore!" She grabbed me by my shirt collar and slapped me one last time. I could see the anger in her face, her bright red face. She looked like she was about to kill me, but she never did even when she said she would. She was full of hate and darkness, but she wasn't always like that she once loved me, until I made the worst division of my life. To show her my peculiarity.


                 She let go of me and sat back down on the cough and turned on the black and white tv screen. I quickly got up to the mirror to fix my hair with my hands to make it look nicer and put my black headband back on to pull my long bangs back to follow the rest of my long light brown hair. And I just had to stare. What did happen to me? I thought looking at the gold dots all over my face covering my use to be freckles and then 4 gold lines running down both sides of my face 2 on my forehand and 2 on my jawline. I then fixed the collar of my white shirt and tried to get the wrinkles out of my long yellow, black, and brown stripped skirt when I noticed my mother who now started to light her cigar up and then the clock. It was now dinner time, I had to start making dinner now for the lady taking "good care" of me before I would get slapped or hit one more time. I ran to the kitchen and started making a one person small dinner of chicken with cooked vegetables. The lady with bright blonde hair sitting on the cough smoking a cigar and watching the small tv, "Cindy dinner is ready" I said to my mother. Cindy sitting there not even moving a muscle. "Cindy dinner is re" "I heard you the first time! Let me finish my cigarette!" She yelled before I could finish my sentence. I stood there trying not to breathe heavily with my hands down at my side waiting for her to say I could go. "You could go to your room now!" She said. I quickly walked to the kitchen grabbing a small piece of bread trying so hard not to get caught and ran to my "room". I walked in to my small room with two blankets on the floor with a pillow on top, and small empty closet and a slightly broken mirror. My mom had sold most of what I've own to get what she wanted, if it was for her make up or hair or the house. My room was also pink, from when I was 5, my mother wouldn't let me change it, but I would always draw over it. Nothing big for her to notice, but nothing small. I would draw me wearing different or nicer clothes or playing with small animals, but it's not like she would come in my room anyways to see them. The only reason she would come in was too tie me to my bed when I was bad. I never did anything bad, I wouldn't steal or lie, but there was this one time when I accidentally gave Cindy lunch she didn't like. I was tied up for two days straight no food or water the only time she untied me was when I had to go to the bathroom and it was ever so often I would get untied.
              But I thought today was the day, the day I was going to run away. Anything would be better then living here. I was basically already homeless and I barely ate or drank water anyways. I got up from my bed set the bread on the bed and started packing. I grabbed the biggest piece of clothe I had; it was my big over sized long red sweater that I got from my untie for Christmas last year, still didn't fit me. I put the nice dress I had in it, (it was a white dress), and my brown overalls, but they were slightly too small and other small stuff that had good memories of my once happy family. I then got my bag packed and I was ready for a new adventure wanting for me or I was waiting for it. "Onie!" Cindy was calling for me. I hid the clothe filled with all the stuff I owned under my pillow and ran as fast as I could. "Yes" I said softly. "Give me a drink" she said. "What would you like?" I asked heading for the cabinet with all of our nice glasses. "White wine." She said. I aimed for the fridge opened it and grabbed the wine. The bottle was empty. Oh no!! I thought out loud. "What?" She said. "It looks like we've ran out of wine" I laughed softly "Would you like anything else?" I said looking down from her. I felt her looking at me, burning a whole in my face. I didn't want to look up, but when I did. I was face to face with the monster. She was mad. She then hit me straight in the nose. My head falling back then my whole body, I was on the floor covering my bloody nose trying not to get it on my white shirt. "How would you let that happen! Go! Go to the store! Buy more!" She said slowly walking away. "I would need some money. To buy more wine for you." I said getting up for a towel for my nose. She grabbed her purse from the table and threw 2 dollars at me. "Now go buy as much bottle wine as you can so I won't run got again!" She yelled. I nodded and went for my room walking past the heated monster.

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