Why should Boys have all the Fun?

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They say girls do have many privileges, well I do agree to that fact, and living in an Indian Society, girls definitely fall under this category.

Festive seasons are like those golden days where Indian girls earn money (Not literally :P). For example, let's start with Rakshabandhan, well for those who don't know its a festival which every family celebrates in India. Its where the girl ties a Rakhi to her brother, well I really don't know why we do this, but our ancestors say, its a way to show affection to your brother, she gives him good luck, like a protection power a sister provides to her brother, well lets not go too deep with our Indian Myth. Well as a Return gift the brother showers his sister with gifts, it maybe cash price too. Well its the time we girls earn the most, believe me I earn atlest 5000 Rupees (Indian Currency) including gift vouchers and stuff.

Then we have Navratri, well its a festive of 9 days and the 10th being Dashera. The girls are treated with utmost respect not only girls but every Indian Women. Indian household call Kanyakumari's (Virgins) serve them food and pretty gifts. This festive is about Goddess Parvati and her 9 different avatars. I won't bore u more (that rhymes xD)

Not only on such occasions but there are many such times where an Indian girl is blessed. Say her wedding (Well who isn't) that pampering, those lovely Traditional dresses, ghaghras, Sarees and Jewels. In Indian tradition when a girl gets married, she doesn't just get married to her husband, but to that name, that family, she doesn't just build up a relation with her husband, but with her In-laws too. She enters a totally new family.

One of the most emotional part of an Indian girls life is leaving her Home, her Family, the place and people where she grew up with. Leaving behind those memories, to start anew by going to a new family, with new people and Husband to spend her rest of the life. A few tears shed by every member of the family, bidding the daughter of the family a last good bye. It is after all their little girl who now has turned into a women and will be making a new life.

I may not understand it right now, but thinking about leaving my family, leaving my last name, would definitely riles up all my emotions. Because in India we say, once a daughter leaves her house after she gets married, she automatically becomes somebody's wife, daughter, sister, niece and so on. A whole new family. A new life. Her New Family.

So you see we girls are and always will be special to our loved us, even when time is bad, misunderstandings and trust issues might occur, but in the end of the day we still are their daughter. Every new part of a Any girls life is a new chapter. It depends upon how she shales it. We need to believe in ourselves. Because for what I know, I know I'm special to my loved one. Every girl is special, in her own weird way.

And that is the biggest advantage to us Girl. Not only Indian girls, but everyone in this world.


A/N: Hey guys I know its been a long time, this was suppose to be a weekly diary not monthly *sheepish smile* but I apologise for that! I'm back and for good this time.

Happy reading. And there is a lot more in this Indian girls mind, which is definitely gonna be updated ASAP :)

Happy reading to all!

Please Vote and comment, it means a lot what you guys think, and what are your views about girls. Feel free to ask anything.

love u all! :D

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