Chapter 15

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"well it looks like you are....."

"Pregnant!" the doctor shouts. I'm actually going to be a dad.

I turn to look at Alicia. She is in tears. I'm not sure if they're tears of joy, or sadness.

"I'll give you two a few minutes alone." the doctor says as he walks out of the door.

"Duff, we're going to be parents!"

"I know baby. Are you happy?" I say as I place my hand on her cheek, wiping away her tears.

"of course I'm happy, it's going to be hard, that's all. with you in the band and stuff." she says as she sets up looking directly at me.

"it will be hard, I won't lie. but just like I said, I'll always be there for you and this baby. I wouldn't want it any other way." I say taking her hand in mine.

she then hops off the table.

we walk out of the door and over to the receptionists desk to make our next appointment.

"we'll see you back in about 4 weeks for a check up Mr. and Mrs Mckagan!"

we aren't married, but I'm okay with people calling us that. it sounds very sophisticated and I like it.

Alicia and I smile back to the receptionist and walk out of the doctors office.

we decide we should tell the guys because honestly, they're our family.

I knock on the door because I forgot my key and Slash opens.

"Hey man!" he says in his drunk voice.

"oh no, are you drunk?" I say back.

"of course not! wha wha what would make you think that?" he says as Alicia and I walk trough the door.

"that's exactly what you say when you are drunk Slash!" I say as I hit him on the back.

"well are you guys just gonna set there, or do you want a drink?" Slash says as he walks over to the fridge.

"umm I'll have a beer, but Alicia can't have anything because umm.... she's umm.... pregnant." I say.

"WHAT? you mean to tell me that you, Duff Mckagan are having a little baby? do you even know how much work those things are?!?" Slash says as he throws me a beer.

I guess maybe if I'm having a baby I should stop drinking, but I really need it right now.

"yes Slash, I am pregnant!" Alicia says.

"WHAT?" Axl, Izzy, and Steven say as they run down the hallway.

"oh no." I murmur.


I don't think I've ever seen Steven this happy.

"way to go man!!" Axl says as he takes a sip of his beer.

"thanks guys!" Alicia and I say in return.

"yeah man congrats, but will you still be able to play the gigs with us?" Izzy says as he sets on the couch beside me.

"of course." I reply back to Izzy. "I might have to miss a few because of doctors appointments or something, ya know, but that's it."

"well we're happy for you Duffy!" Izzy says as he hits my knee with his hand.


it's really late, so Alicia and I decide to leave  mine and the guys apartment and go back to her own. after all, she does have to tell her mom and Jen.

we get inside her apartment and the first thing she does is rush over to the phone.

Alicia's POV

I'm so nervous to tell my mother. my dad left my siblings and I when we were really young so that isn't an issue, but my mother was always really strict on us.

"uhh hey mom! I have something to tell you..." I say into the phone with a shaky voice.

"yeah sweetie, what is it?" my mother says back.

"okay so I've been dating this guy for a few months, his name is Duff Mckagan, and we're gonna have a baby." I say without hesitating.

"OH MY GOD!! my baby is pregnant!!" she says in an excited voice.

I look over to Duff to see that he's smiling, probably because he can hear my mother screaming through the phone.

A/N : imagine this is the smile he gives Alicia

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

A/N : imagine this is the smile he gives Alicia. :))

"so you don't have a problem with it?" I say nervously.

"well after all, you do live on your own, I knew I would get grandkids some day!" my mother says back.

"well I guess that's true." I say.

we ended up staying on the phone for a while, talking about things we needed to catch up on. she informed me that she wants to meet Duff so we're flying back to my hometown to see my mother tomorrow.

I'm glad she's okay with it, and I can't wait for her to meet Duff. I know she'll love him.

Duffs POV

"Don't you wanna call and tell Jen?" I say rubbing Alicia's back.

"I'm just so tired, I'll tell her tomorrow before we leave. besides, Steven has probably already told her... he was really excited." Alicia says as she sets on the couch, laying her head in my lap.

"how long is it before she'll be back?" I say as I run my fingers through her hair.

"who knows. as soon as she finds out I'm pregnant, she'll be here in no time." Alicia says as her voice trails off and she closes her eyes.

there was a few minutes of silence, and then Alicia and I fell asleep cuddling on the couch.

It's Not So Easy जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें