chapter 7

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I can't wait to see Alicia tonight.. hopefully Axl doesn't get suspicious. i kick slash so he wakes up. "what the fuck man, what was that for?" he says. "I get to see Alicia today man!"

I get up and go to the kitchen to eat some of the groceries we bought yesterday. we're leaving around 9, and I don't have anything else planned for today.

Alicia called me, and we just talked for a little while, then I took a shower and shit like that.

it's 8:30 and I still haven't gotten ready yet.  I throw on some black t shirt I found in my floor, a jean jacket, and black jeans. do my hair, and I'm ready to go.

we arrive at the restaurant, I set down and wonder where Alicia and Jen is. a few minutes later they walk through the door. Axl looks really surprised. or like he's about to beat someone's ass. "I invited them, their friends." Slash says as he takes a drink of whatever he's drinking. "oh yeah and Jen and I are dating." Steven says. Axl rolls his eyes.

Alicia sets next to me because I'm assuming she doesn't want to set next to Axl, and there's only two seats left. we eat our dinner, and leave to go to the club.

we arrive at the club and I order a beer, and Alicia orders some fruity drink. I don't do fruity drinks. we talk for a while and I end up learning a lot of things about her. she cheered in high school but hated it, she has 3 other siblings, and a lot of other stuff. she's really interesting. I'm trying not to get drunk tonight because if anything interesting happens, I want to remember it. I don't wanna forget, or even pass out like usual.

some really cool new band is playing that I really like. I'll have to find out more about them once they're done. I'm not sure where the rest of the guys went besides Steven, probably to find the girls. it's around 1:30 when we decide to leave the club.

we go back to the apartment, Axl went home with Erin so that's good. Alicia and I go back to my room. I go to kiss her. I can taste her fruity lipstick. we start making out, and she takes my shirt off. is this really going to happen?

"a little late birthday surprise" she says. holy fuck. I take her shirt off, and she takes her bra off. I kiss her, and make my way down to her neck sucking gently. then I make my way down to her breast and suck her nipples, also gently. I come back up to kiss her and she gets on top of me. she kisses down my body, while taking my pants off. I feel it, she's giving me head. the best birthday present I could have asked for. i cum, and she doesn't hesitate. she swallows.

I feel like I should return the favor. she lays on her back, and I slip my hands down her pants. she's already soaked. I slowly put one finger in, and finger her. moans leave her lips. "oh duff!" she says. "I like when you say that baby." I say as I kiss her neck. then I slip two fingers in. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" she says. and well, she did. then we just kiss. "that was amazing duff." she says while smiling at me. "it was baby."

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