"Oh my- Jules who did this to you?" I say.

She pulls her shirt back down to cover her beaten body. She shakes her head and starts to sob. I gently wrap my arms around her and stroke her braided hair.

"It's okay Jules. I'll make sure nothing else happens to you. I promise." I whisper in her ear.

"You c-can't d-do anything a-bout it T-Tara. No one c-can. It's m-my father. H-he gets d-drunk a-and-and..." She buries her face in my hair.

My wolf wants to march to her father's house and rip him apart; but I hold her back. I whisper soothing words in her ears as I walk her to the lounge room. We sit down on the couch and she cries in my arms for another 10 minutes.

Jules's sobs die down to a hiccup and she looks up at me. She flashes a grateful smile at me then stands up.

"Thank you Tara. You're my bestest friend ever." Her voice is weak from crying.

I stand up and give her a gentle hug.

" you're my bestest friend too Jules."I whisper.

"Do you wanna stay at the pack house with me? I'll make sure your father can never lay a hand on you again. I'll even assign guards for you when you go out. Please say yes! I need a girlfriend around to talk to." I show my puppy dog eyes.

She thinks about it for a moment before slowly nodding. I squeal with joy and jump up and down. She laughs at me then pulls me in for another hug. I hug her back then we both go back to the kitchen.

Once we are back in the kitchen, I notice my bacon has vanished from my plate!! Why does everyone eat my food?! I just want to enjoy some of my favorite foods and someone always eats it before I can get to it!!

I then spot Daniel retreating out the back door.

"You snooze you lose!!" He yells before vanishing outside.

I don't care if I'm in my pj's or not, he's gonna get it!! I race after him and nearly bust the back door off its hinges. I see him running down the road holding the last piece of bacon up in the air.

"Come and get it princess!!" He yells.

I growl at him them bolt. He looks back but I'm no longer there. He slows to a walk then to a stop. I see confusion plastered on his face. I then jump out from behind a tree and pounce at him. I knee him where the sun don't shine and step back to see my handy work. I then proceed to rip the piece of bacon out of his hand. In the process, I knock both of us to the ground. I laugh out loud then hold the piece of bacon up.

"Take take!!! Ha! That's what happens when you cross a Luna!" I bite into the greasy piece of meat and hold the rest right in his face.

Okay, I'm acting a little childish. No, I'm acting stupid. But I don't even care, I got my bacon!!! I do a victory dance and stuff the rest of the bacon in my mouth.

"Tara!" I low voice growls.

I freeze then quickly swallow my bacon.  I turn around slowly and put on an innocent smile.

"Hey Kayden. What's up?"

"What are you wearing?!"

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