Chapter Five: The Monster

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(Sam's POV)

I woke up to the sound of my dog, Mojo, barking. I walked down stairs and grabbed the milk jug to take a drink, but dropped it when I saw my car, in my dad's yard. I got out my phone and called Miles. "Miles , Miles. I'm being haunted right now."

"Dude, what are you talking about?" He asked.

"Satan's camaro, it's in my yard. It's stalking me." I replied. Just then Lila came down stairs already complaining.

"What the hell are you doing Sam? It's too early for your girly shit." I sighed, grabbed her arm and pulled her outside. We both grabbed our bikes, but since mine was broken, I grabbed my mother's bike. We biked into the city and as I looked back, I saw the car following us. Out of nowhere, my bike flipped forward and I was laying on the ground. Lila laughed at me of course, but I blushed when I saw Mikaela with her other friends.

"Sam?" She said, "T-that was, awesome." I tried to play it cool.

"Well it felt awesome. I got to go,. I'm going crazy, and we are being chased by our car." I said as I got back on the bike and continued.

We finally came to an empty lot area and hid from the Satanic Camaro. I eyed forward to see cops in front of us.

"Officer!" I yelled. He opened his door which made me fall of the bike once again. "Hey, t-thank god you're here, okay. So I've been followed here, on mother's bike right, a-and we need your help, s-so get out of the car." As I said that, The police officer started to threaten to run over me. I fell backwards as he tried to do so. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, stop, stop. Okay, w-what do you want from me?"I yelled.

I watched as the police car turned into this robotic figure. I screamed as he pinned me against a windshield. "Are you Ladiesman217?" he asked.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I answered quickly, lying.

"Are you Ladiesman217?" He asked again but meaner.

"Yeah." I said scared shitless.

"Where is object 21153? Where are the glasses?" He demanded.

I suddenly felt a strong pull on my shirt and I escaped the murderous monster. I held Lila's hand as we ran to get away from whatever this thing was. I saw Mikaela coming our way on her moped and screamed for her to get out of here, but it was too late. We ran into each other which made her fall off her moped. "Run, now. You have to get out of here."

"What is going on Sam?" she said with an attitude.

"Okay so there, is this monster coming after us, look, he's right there, you see him. Here he comes. We gotta run." I replied, freaking out. I heard screeching tires behind us, and when I went to look, I saw.. My car?

(Lila's POV)

"BUMBLEBEE!!" I screamed. I couldn't be more happy than to see him arrive. I smiled, grabbed Mikaela and pulled her inside of Bee in his car form.

"OH MY GOD, we're gonna die, we're gonna die!" Mikaela screamed. I looked at her and tried to calm her down.

"No, no. we are not going to die. Trust me. He's a kickass driver." Sam screamed. I nodded to Mikaela in agreement to Sam's comment about my Bumblebee. When the sun set, Bee drove us into a loading lot for trucks. Bumblebee locked the doors so we couldn't get out.

"It's good to see you my beautiful Bumblebee." I whispered, hearing a whistle softly come out of the radio. I saw the cop nearly pass our location till Sam started Bee's engine which made the cop stop in his tracks. Bee drove full speed behind the evil cop car and opened his doors to let us out. Once we were out, he transformed into his robot self. Next thing I know, this little robot thing was coming after me and Sam.

All three of us rn from this tiny robot thingy. I heard Sam screaming like a little girl and realized he was being tackled by the little alien robot. Me and Mikaela just kept running, until Mikaela had a great idea to save Sam's girly ass. She brought out a small chainsaw and started to cut the little robot in half, which made the body headless. "Yeah, no so tough without a head are ya?" Sam asked. 'Glad we got that over with' I thought to myself.

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