Chapter #2: New School, New Life.

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"H-Hi! My name is Jessica." I held out my hand to a girl who sat next to me.

She just sneered and glared at me.

"And yours?" No response. She just sneered at me again. I lowered my hand and lost the hope I had sitting in my eyes. It was second period chemistry, and I was just trying to make a friend or two. I probably came off as desperate, (even if I actually was), but it's not like I had any reputation to worry about, anyway. First day at this school, and I already suck at life.


"What is she even wearing?" I heard a girl snicker from the other side of the room.

"I know. You're supposed to dress to impress on the first day," her friend said.

Stupid fashionistas. I had bigger worries than impressing guys and crap like that. They would never know.

The bell interrupted my thoughts, and the portion of the student body in this classroom burst out the door, leaving me behind. I just wanted to get through the day, I suppose.

Nobody will ever notice me, and frankly, I didn't care! Popularity is a load of crap, anyway. What are those girls even expecting to happen? Destiny is just gonna hit them in the face?

At that moment, I ran straight into a wall, spilling all of my things, and gaining strange looks from all of the surrounding students.

Damn... I got lost in my thoughts, again.

As I bent down to pick up my supplies, that boy came into view again. Taylor. He stopped, glanced at me struggling, and continued walking away.

This guy.

In English, I thought he was a troublemaker, but seriously? Now, he was just being a dick.

Then again, why would I care? I'm just trying to make it through my life. I'm not that special freaking snowflake. None of these people need to know what I go through.

And I will never tell them.

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