1 • Children Of Innocence

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Spencer Hastings was a stubborn, smart 5 year old who wouldn't let any other child distract her from what her parents deemed most important: her grades and her future.

Her parents still ensured she got a normalish upbringing, trips to the playground and getting ice cream, just like normal children did.

The tiny girl had long wavy chocolate coloured hair and beautiful brown eyes but she always had a very serious expression, as though if she were to smile she'd be told off.

On this particular day she was at the playground with her mom and older sister who'd run off with her friends as she was 5 years older than Spencer and was clearly "Far too old." to hang out with her baby sister.

Spencer, feeling sort of lonely, slid down the playground slide, careful not to get her black and blue checked skirt or her tiny black blazer dirty.

In her worry of not ruining her clothes she completely forgot to stand up at the end of the slide and instead fell rather clumsily onto her butt at the end.

She felt sharp pain and looked to the back of her thighs and knees, they were quite badly cut from where she'd landed on the gravel at the bottom of the slide.

A women came running up to the little girl, who's eyes were beginning to well up.

"Oh darling, are you okay? I'm a nurse so I'll patch up those cuts for you, where's your mommy?"

Spencer stared at her blankly. She had never been called "darling" and although she'd been taught about stranger danger she couldn't help but trust the kind face of the older woman.

"My mommy went with my big sister."

The woman smiled but continued, "Where's your daddy then?"

"At work." Came the reply.

The women was throughly shocked that this tiny 5 year old had been completely abandoned.

It was at this point that Spencer noticed a little boy peering round the women's legs shyly.

He was a little taller than Spencer and had sandy coloured hair and stunning blue eyes.

Spencer turned to him.

"Hello, I'm Spencer, I'm 5. What's your name?"

"My name's Toby and I'm 6."

"I like the name Toby, it suits you."

"I like yours too and I think you're beautiful."

"I like your mommy too, she's kind."

"She is very kind."

They both began to laugh. It was the first time in a long long while Spencer had laughed.

Toby's mom, who introduced herself as Marion, soon patched Spencer up and she was as good as new.

"Toby come on! Let's go play on the swings!!" Yelled Spencer, pulling the 6 year old Toby behind her, excited at the fact she'd made a new friend

"Be careful with her Toby! I don't want anymore accidents!!" Shouted Marion lovingly.

Spencer and Toby ended up going to the same Kindergarten and they were soon the very very best of friends.

As they grew older they never grew apart, seeing each other every day at school, going to each other's houses daily and slowly realising their love for each other with every visit.


Spencer stood on the stage and smiled round at all her guests, she saw her mother and her father and older sister on one of the tables.

"It is exactly 20 years ago since I fell off the bottom of a slide in Rosewood playground and met a boy I fell madly in love with. I remember the first words I ever said to him when he was peering round his mom's legs, too scared to come out."

All the guests laughed and Spencer locked eyes with the man she was in love with and smiled.

"Hello, I'm Spencer, I'm 25. What's your name?"

She directed this at the man sitting on the front table, looking very handsome in his suit.

He laughed and answered back

"My name's Toby and I'm 26."

The guests laughed again, harder this time, pressing them to go on.

"I like the name Toby, it suits you." Spencer continued.

"I like yours too, and I think you're beautiful." He finished, all the guests awwwed.

Toby got up from the chair he was sitting in and climbed up to the small make-shift stage and planted a kiss on Spencer's lips.

"You know that was the moment I fell in love with you?"

"I know, because it was the moment I fell in love with you too."

So there they were, Spencer and Toby Cavanaugh, on stage at their wedding reception.

Exactly 20 years after they met for the first time in Rosewood Playground.

And they couldn't be any happier.

And you know something else?

After that first time they met Toby was never quite that shy or Spencer quite that serious ever again...

They were better with each other, not just their lover, but their best friend.

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