Chapter 21; Rebel Josh

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"Mackenzie you should eat" Nia blabs actually speaking to me the first time in the conversation.

"Eat this?" I ask gesturing towards the salad and pizza, that doesn't even look like pizza on my tray.

"Mackenzie you need to eat to stay healthy" blabs one of Nias nerd friends.

I see a bunch of the nerds straighten up and eyes gape at someone behind me and before I get the chance to turn around I feel someone touch my shoulder.

I turn around

"He--y Josh" Gushes Nia shyly waving at Josh.

"Hey" Josh replies cooly

"You wanna come sit with me" Josh asks.

"You bet" I mumble Josh reaches over my head and picks up my tray and I get up and follow him to his "guy table".

Josh sits down my tray between his and a football players.

"Hey hottie" the guy sitting  on the other side of me  mumbles snaking his arm  around me.

"I dare you Evans, You know I'll kill you" Josh threatens the kid sitting next to me.

Josh then throws "Evans" arm off me and pulls me closer to him.

"God Hyland Loosen up" the guy mumbles taking a drink of his water.

I stab my fork into my salad and take a bite, immediately regretting it. How can a school manage to mess a salad up? I don't get it.

"I say tomorrow we get lunch somewhere else" Josh says looking at me.

"Like where" I ask

"Like McDonald's, there's one down the road"

"Okay that sounds good" I shrug taking a drink out of my water.

"Josh your a loser" one of Joshs friends mumbles.

Josh chucks a water bottle at him. Getting noticed by a teacher. Giving all of us detention.


"So what did you even do to get detention" my mother asks as I use Joshs phone in the janitors closet

"It wasn't me it was Josh he threw a water bottle at a kid" I reply

"Why did he do that"

"He put his arm around me"

"That means Josh is in love with you" my mom says in a sing-song type voice.

"Shut up mom"

I can just feel my mom roll her eyes through the phone "okay whatever see you after detention"

I end the call and hand the phone back over to Josh

"I heard what your mom says" he snickers

"Whatd she say" I ask

"That I loved you" Josh replies

"and she's right" he adds

I smile " no you don't"

"Yeah I do" Josh says grabbing his phone back

"Back to class for you" he says gesturing towards the janitors closet door

I walk out and back to class Josh heading the other way.

• sorry for the short chapter I had to post something•

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