Chapter 10; boo mom u suck

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"Mackenzie Frances Ziegler where were you" is the first thing my mom says when I open the door and walk in

"It's a long story" I mumble walking into the kitchen

"I have time" she replies tugging my arm into the living room she sits down in one of the chairs and I plop onto the couch

She turns the tv off and stares into my eyes "care to explain where you were" she asks

"Yeah I was with Josh until someone at bdubs stole his credit card then we went to the bank to get it deactivated then Josh got pulled over then he got a speeding ticket then we shut off his credit card then we went back to Bdubs like the cop said then none of them had joshs credit card on them so they would drop the case but other people have reported this issue as well so we are being brought in for questioning I don't know when" I explain boredly

"Your not being brought in for questioning" mom replies crossing her arms

"Wait why"

"Because for one you didn't take joshs credit card right? And for two your grounded I mean I would take your phone but you don't have one so no going anywhere besides school for a week and Maddie will take you home everyday with her new car" mom explains

"Ugh" I groan

I grab an apple then go up to my room


"I'm sorry josh I can't" I groan

"Why won't she let you ride to school with me"

"I told you I'm grounded and I don't know why"

"So who's taking you"


"Okay I'll see you at school then"

Josh pulls back out of my driveway and I resume to my spot on the front steps waiting for maddie

"Okay bye" maddie hangs up with Kendall and walks to her car unlocking it

"Kenzie your in the back because kendall is riding with us" maddie explains getting into the drivers seat and i climb into the back

I look around Maddies car in Bordem until we pull up to the vertes household

Maddie honks her horn and we see a small brunette stumble out of her house and scurry to the car

"Hey K" maddie greets

"Wassup" kendall replies

Maddie backs out of their driveway and to the school when she pulls up at the school I see Gino another boy from maddies grade walk up to her window and tap on it

Before rolling it down maddie turns to me and yells "get out brat"

I get out of her car and begin walking towards the doors of Franklin Regional

I turn back to see Gino and maddie making out through the window and an awkward kendall in the passengers seat

I turn back around and slam right into brynn rumfallo

"Watch where your going loser" brynn mumbles shoving me before returning her conversation to the group of "populars" of the sophomore class

Brynn Jojo and Asia

It was me brynn and Asia until Jojo came along and brynn got mad at me

I shake my head and walk inside and directly to my locker just to see Josh standing infront of Kendall's and Masen (The kid who was obsessed with brynn) standing in front of Asias

I open my locker so Josh moves to the other side in front of Brynns

"What's going on" he greets

"Just obviously sucks being grounded" I reply looking through my books until my eyes land on my math book

"Yeah it does" Josh replies

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