Week 2

109 8 31

Hello! I hope the first week went smoothly for everyone! If you had any issues at all or your partner did not complete their part please let me know.

Here's this weeks groups, it'll be done the same way as before. If you need more time please let me know, I don't want to have message each member who hasn't completed their reading yet just to see if they need more time. That takes a lot of my time up as well.

Also I'm going to start something new as well. Once you're done reading please rate from 1-10 on your experience with the three chapters you've read. Please, please make sure your comments are constructive. We're here to help each other out and it doesn't do much good if you only receive "this is amazing!" , "great read!" Or anything else like that.

Okay okay let's get to it!


Not participating this week: JoJoBrostar

Week 1 extensions: JoJoBrostar , XoHeartBreakerMessXO , Quietly_Silent
Ends Sept. 2nd


Week 2 ends Sept. 7th

Group 1


Group 2


Group 3


Group 4


Group 5

_PanicAtThePityParty : 2 day extension

Group 6


Group 7


Group 8


Independent reading

No one will be reading anything from CocoJoelle. She is doing an independent reading since she doesn't have a book available for anyone to read. She still has to do as everyone else does as well.


What do you think is going to happen in the upcoming chapters of the book?


I might start the short story writing this week. Let me know what you think! Remember when this is started you'll have 2 weeks to complete it and must be pm'ed to me.


If you have already been paired with your partner for this week please let me know! To find what book you'll be reading please look at the members list. Each book is posted under the owner. Make sure when you're done you answer the QOTW. If I've missed anything or there's an issue please pm me! Happy reading everyone!
Much love xx
- B

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