Some random stuff this is the 23 thing i posted on this thing

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LOL Me as kankri 2 and the other person as Kankri 1 i love this talk

Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat.


KANKRI: Hmm n969dy is here. I guess it d9esn't matter, I guess.. It is nice and quiet after all, I guess I can practice s9me mem9s and rants, 6ut what a69ut


KANKRI: That was strange.. it said s9me9ne was typing 6ut n969dy j9in..


KANKRI: #c9nfused


KANKRI: Excuse y9u? I m9st certainly am s9me69dy, just 6ecause I am an9ther versi9n 9f y9urself, 9r y9u are an9ther versi9n 9f myself d9es n9t mean I am n9t currently here at the m9ment.


KANKRI: Well I'm s9rry if I triggered y9u 9ther me.


KANKRI: It is quite alright, y9u are f9rgiven.


KANKRI: Thank y9u, I just find a little strange that there is an9ther me; 6ut we are in the dream 6u66les after all.


KANKRI: Yes, n9t much d9es seem t9 ever make much sense here.


KANKRI: Yeah it can 6e rather c9nfusing, 6ut talking t9 an9ther me is quite enj9ya6le.


KANKRI: 9f c9urse, n9 9ne is here t9 c9mplain a69ut 9ur rants 6eing rather extensive, 9r call us ann9ying, this is a nice change f9r 9nce.


KANKRI: A6s9lutely agree.


KANKRI: I 6elieve I prefer having c9nversati9ns with myself, rather then 9thers.


KANKRI: Rather having the fact that 9thers may get ann9yed with us.


KANKRI: Yes, 9f c9urse, Especially since all we are attempting t9 d9 is assist 9thers.


KANKRI: 6ut I d9 hate when they d9n"t tag their triggers if they d9 talk t9 us.


KANKRI: 9h, yes, that is entirely frustrating, it is such a simple task f9r them n9t t9 f9ll9w thr9ugh with it.


KANKRI: I mean it w9nt take anytime fr9m us we are "dead" after all. #TW #Menti9ns 9f death


KANKRI: Yes, precisely.


KANKRI: And f9rgetting t9 tag triggers ar9und 9ther tr9lls wh9 can 6e 9ffended 6y what they state.


KANKRI: 9f c9urse, that is just an atr9ci9us misdeed when 9ther are una6le t9 d9 s9, they 96vi9usly are ign9rant if they can n9t.


KANKRI: Agree!


KANKRI: We sh9uld have had a c9nversati9n like this much s99ner.


KANKRI: I kn9w, we d9 think alike.


KANKRI: Well, that sh9uld 6e rather 96vi9us.


KANKRI: 9f c9urse 6ut I'm just rather stating that this c9nversati9n rather has n9 flaws in my 9wn th9ughts.

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