the finale

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Eridan sighed, This can't wwork.. Damn my flushed feelings.., Eridan Growled to himself, tail curling around his front legs. His mind paced back and forth. He felt tense. Eridan tries to relax, he only had 2 hours until Sollux came back from school. "Breath Eridan" he states to himself "Just breath"
He was afraid about this. Eridan doesn't want to get to attached. The same thing could loop all over again. He could get kicked out, he would have to fend for himself, but he may die this time, but it might not happen. They could work some things out about this and they can live happily ever after! But fairytales aren't real, are they? It is a fanasty, it is a myth, but it can be a reality.
(Time fucking skip)
Eridan past the time by distracting himself with food, eating the most mlg snack ever. He hears the door knob rattle. He's home.. Eridan thought. This is it. He will finally admit it to Sollux. This is it, it will be horrible or it will be perfect, it will be a mystery. The door opens, "Hey ED ii'm back home!" Sollux said.
Gaining the courage Eridan never had he pads up to him. "Sol" He states sternly
"Hey what ii2 iit?"
"I wwant to tell you somethin'"
Sollux was all ears and Eridan new that. He was hesitant at first and then it came out all at once "IHAVEFLSUHEDFEELINSFORYOUORWWHATHUMANSCALLITILOVVEYOU"  This was very un-understandable if that is even a word. Sollux sighed "Okay ED 2low iit down a biit, II can barley under2tand you.".
Eridan nods and takes a deep breath and says "I lovve you". There was a small silence until eridan continues "But I understand if you don't lovve me back, I mean-"
"ED of cour2e II love you." Sollux cuts him off "2ure your a paiin iin the a22 2imetiime2 but ii 2tiill care for you.". Eridan smiled, a genuine smile, Sollux picks him up and hugs him. "And ii wiill never abandon you ED."
Moral of the story, dreams do come true even nothing is never a fantasy.

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