***** #2 HIM *****

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Again he lost her. Foolish man, why did she have to turn around? Couldn't she have stayed fixated on her boyfriend's face? That was what all the other pieces did: stare around like they did not have a care in the world, totally naive to what was happening around them. His job could not be easier. He had to make another plan, but that was okay, he was used to it by now. Tricky girl, you think you are a step ahead of me, but oh you are not. I will find you, it was not a matter of whether or not, it was a matter of when and where.

She could not hide forever, and now that he had a perfect plan mapped out in his head, he felt more secure. Almost smiling, shaking with silent laughter. No, he would not just get to HER, he would catch her beloved ones, killing two birds with one stone, how simply was that. It would destroy her. Good. SHE needed to be taught a lesson, nobody messed with him.

He headed back the way he had come, looking inconspicuous despite his leather coat, hopping into his Jeep, and headed to his flat. He needed to pick up a few things before his work could start again, he had shocked HER enough for today, seeing her squirm, crying like a little child and panicking like a madwoman, made him yearn for more. More of her fear, more of the hurt, more of the hits, more of the panic and most of all, more of her TIME.

If this would have been a villain movie, he would have laughed like a maniac, but as the case was, he simply smiled at the nice lady at the drive-thru imagining what it would be like to punch his fist into her bubbly smiling face.

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