Bound By Contract

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Someone tried stealing this story on this site, but after having her successfully removed, I want to share with you a story I am very proud of.

A MJ Fan Fiction. Michael presents Christina with an interesting proposal and she accepts. Will they survive?

Chapter One-

It is my first day at my new job and boy is it hard. No wonder the girl I am replacing had quit. Luisa, the head maid here at Neverland Ranch gave me all of the hardest responsibilities. Probably because I am the new girl. Luisa seems like a bitter woman, always running around barking orders at everyone, I can only wonder how hard she will make this new job for me. Maybe it is an initiation test, to see if I can handle the job; but little does Luisa know, I can handle anything. Anything when it comes to this job. I'm the best damn cleaning lady there is! I'm young, I know, but at twenty-five I think I can call myself the best at what I do. I love what I do.

We are in a twelve foot by twelve foot wooden shed where all of our cleaning supplies are kept. Our brooms, mops, cleaning agents, rags, dusters, and gloves are neatly arranged on shelves. We also have a sink and a washboard to wash our mops and rags.

"Christina, you are to dust everything in two rooms daily, until you finish all the rooms. It should take you a week to finish all the rooms, and when you finish you start over again," Luisa tells me. I look at her in disbelief. She's not serious, is she? "Everyday after you finish dusting your two rooms, you are to mop the kitchen and living room. On Saturday mornings we all wash windows."

Running my hand through my dirty blonde ponytail, I can feel the sweat already building up on my forehead. My fellow co-worker, Rachel, who barely beats me in seniority; bends her head down trying to hide a smirk. Luisa had probably put her through the same thing when she got here. She didn't seem bitter like Luisa, though, she just looked pretty damn proud of herself for not having to do what I have to do.

Luisa hands me a brown plastic bucket with a duster, a rag, a cleaning agent for windows and one for wood and a pair of gloves. Popping in the earphones of my iPOD in my ears, I take the bucket and make my way up to the main house.

I decide to start on the left wing of the house and work my way to the right. It seemed like an easy plan. As I go up the stairs I half admire and half lament all of the artwork, statues and knickknacks as I go along. "I'm the one who will be cleaning all of this," I grumble.

On my way to the very last room on the left wing, I hear the heavy footsteps of a man's boots coming up the stairs quickly. I swiftly rip out the earphones from my ears and shove them into my pink sweatpants. The only footsteps that could possibly be coming upstairs are that of my new boss, the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson. I suddenly felt nervous; I'm going to finally meet him! Will he like me? Anyone who ever said anything about him only had nice things to say. Just then Michael rounded the corner of the staircase and came quickly towards me. I want to smile, but I notice he is distracted, angry even, and doesn't notice my presence. Either that, or he's ignoring me. I'd better just keep on to my business. Michael probably gets enough staring from people on the outside; he doesn't need it in his own house. Turning around, I make my way to the last room when I feel the whoosh of air as he rushes past me. I'm almost to the door when it suddenly slams in my face. Whoa, the first day on the job and I get a door in my face. Good sign, Christina.

I notice my colleague Rachel across from me in the upstairs hallway bathroom. She is also looking in the direction of the door that was just slammed shut with a look of surprise mixed with sadness. She notices me, and I shrug my shoulders.

"What just happened there?" I mouth. She motions to me with her hand to come to her. I put down my bucket of supplies and inch toward her.

"Don't you know," she whispers into my ear softly. If she spoke any louder, our boss would be able to hear us from his room which we were practically in front of.

"No, what happened?"

She gave me a little push on my shoulder. "Have you been living in a cave somewhere? It's been all over the news."

"No, I really have no-"

We are interrupted by Luisa's shrill voice, "Back to work, you two! No gossiping on the job!" We both turn obviously surprised, to find Luisa, a stout woman, with brown eyes, brown skin and black hair up in a tight bun. Her hands are on her hips, looking at the two of us with disappointment on her face. Rachel twirls around, and continues her duties in the bathroom. The room I was supposed to go in is occupied, and to get to the next room I need to go past Luisa, so I just stand there. Like an idiot.

Luisa grunts something and turns toward the staircase and makes her way down it. I pick up my bucket and go into the next room. What a great way to make a first impression, Christina. And the day as only just begun!

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