Chapter 36

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We both passed all of our exams so today was graduation and the pinning service for registered nurses so my sister and I had to wear our formal nurse uniform for the pinning ceremony along with graduation this morning  but we are wearing our graduation gown above our uniform  and cap for this morning for graduation so We went and got our hair do and nails do for today yesterday so I was relieved that I am graduating with my sister even though I had three children plus my lil sister whom I treat as my own child it has been a struggle but I thank  God for helping me through this .

So my sister and I were at my house getting ready for graduation so we did each other's make up and then we wore the same dress but different colors and some heels after that we put on our robes and hat and went to the school since we had to be there early .

So we hopped in D'angelo's Bmw  and drove off towards the college and we arrived just in time Ii parked the car and we got out so we entered the auditorium where we met up with the fellow graduates so  I had my speech already prepared since I was Valedictorian with a 4.0 G.P.A so we just lined and I notice that people were coming in sitting down cause it was almost time for graduation to start plus my dad and D was throwing a big party like a barbecue for me and Chelsea with family and friends so Ii couldn't wait to hurry up and graduate already .

It was time to start so we were already seated and the last bit of guests were coming in so my family was already seated so I wasn't worried .

Good Morning everyone we are so delighted have you guys here and we are very proud of our graduates especially two of them who worked had from they started here get this they are sisters and the youngest graduating from this top university today so we are proud of them and all of our graduates he said meaning us me and Chelsea .

   Whatever blocks you encounter, you have learned that there is a way over, around or through them. It is not those obstacles that inhibit your progress but your confidence, and will to break the inertia of fear and doubt. - Smith  (just wanted to put like a few speech what would be Cheyenne speech or similar and quotes her speech you will hear from her )

 Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. - Steve Jobs

We will know have the prayer done by Brianna Coles one of our graduates follow by the national item of the United States then we will have Cheyenne and Chelsea lead us into some praise songs said the MC 

Let us pray Dear heavenly I come to you thanking you for allowing each graduate to see this day Lord bless us our we go through our career Lord and follow where ever you lead us in the future I also pray that you bless the future graduates that they may follow in the same way we did to see this day Lord Thank you in the name of Jesus Amen she said and that was a good prayer .

Please stand for the national anthem it starts playing and we all started singing it then it was time for my sister and I to sing so we sang Great I am by Larue Howard.

I wanna to be close close to your side
Heaven is real and death is a lie
I wanna hear voices of angels above
Singing as one

Hallelujah Holy Holy
God almighty Great I am
Who is worthy
None beside Thee
God Almighty
Great I Am

I wanna be near near to your heart
Loving the world hating the dark
I want to see dry bones living again
Singing as one

Holy Holy
God almighty Great I am
Who is worthy
None beside Thee
God Almighty
Great I Am

He's the Great I Am Great I Am

The mountains shake before Him
The demons run and flee
At the mention of the name

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