"Oh, maybe he's gonna bring you to a hotel." Lily said, nudging my arm as I paid the guy.

"Or maybe ice skating?" Zoe said,looking down at her phone.

"I don't know, but I know I can't wait." Leaving the store, I paused when I got a call and answered it.


"Babe, where are you?" Michaels voice came through the phone and the girls immediately crowded me. 

"The mall, why?"

"I just got worried when I walked into your room and you weren't there." The girls began to awe, I'm guessing he heard because he then said, "Hi girls."

Laughing, I said bye and hung up.

"You guys are adorable."Zoe said, starting to walk again.

"What are you getting him for Christmas?" Lily said, following me while I led her and Zoe to a gaming store to get some games for Robin and Derek.

"Something special. That reminds me, we need to go back to that lingerie store." I said, causing the girls to start screaming so loud that people looked at us like we needed help.


That night, after we had dinner, Michael was driving us somewhere while I annoyed him.

"Where are we going? Where are we going? Where are we going?" I said repeatedly.

"A place. A place. A place." He responded to each question like this.

"You suck." I sighed, finally giving up.

"Actually, you suck, or one day you will." He wiggled his eyebrows while glancing at me for a second.

"Maybe I will," I said, wiggling my eyebrows back at him.

"Don't tease me."

"Don't tell me what to do." I said, pulling my jacket more around me, feeling cold. 

"We're here." He stopped the car and in front of me I saw a 10 ft. Christmas tree surrounded by people ice skating.

"It's so pretty," I said getting out of the car, but paused in front of it, "I don't know how to skate though."

He moved beside me and took my hand, "I'll teach you, or I'll just carry you over my shoulder as I skate. Which would you prefer more?" 

"Shut up." I pulled him toward the area to rent skates. I got a pair of white figure skates while he got hockey skates and as I just started to put them on, he was already done and was kneeling to help me.

"I got it." He tied my laces for me and helped me up, putting an arm around me so I wouldn't fall. He walked us over to the entrance to get onto the ice and gently pushed past me to get on the ice first.

"I'm scared." I said, clutching onto his arm.

"Just step onto the ice, I got you." 

Trusting him, I slowly stepped onto the ice, falling into his arms when I immediately lost my balance.Straightening me up, he held onto my arms and started skating backwards, moving me forward as he was facing opposite of me. I was staring at out feet, watching for anything that will make me fall.

"Katie, look at me." The moment he said my name I looked up into his eyes. "I got you, you're safe."


We stayed like that for a while, people zooming past us while we slowly moved around the rink over and over again until I got used to it.

"Now, I'm gonna let one arm go and skate beside you, I'll still hold on to you just in case." I nodded as he then let go of one arm and moved beside me, his arm wrapped around me. "Now just push off with one foot at a time. Left, right, left right. There you go, slowly." 

I followed his instructions and slowly began moving on my own, "I'm doing it!" I smiled as I moved forward. I felt him let go of me and move in front of me, keeping pace with me. Without him touching me, I kept moving forward, following him on my own. 

"See? You got it." He moved back beside me and held my hand as we skated.

After about two hours of skating and talking, I felt Michael go rigid and stop skating, making me almost fall to stop with him.

"What's-" I said but was interrupted.

"Hey Katie, or should I say slut." Antonio skated in front of us,  making Michael glare at him and put me behind his back.

"Move away." Michael said in a deadly tone.

"Hey, don't be like that, the slut can speak for herself." 

"Move away." Michael said again but I moved away from his back and slowly skated to stand in front of Antonio.

"Are you ever gonna give up?" I asked, moving my hand behind my back and making it into a fist and showing Michael what I was gonna do.

"Nah." He skated closer, just what I wanted him to do.

"You should, because I hate the noise coming from your mouth." I punched him hard, right in the jaw.

He actually fell back on his ass, rubbing his hand along his jaw and spitting out blood while Michael came up behind me to steady me. 

"You little bitch." Antonio growled as he was getting up.

"Bye." Michael said and I felt myself getting picked up and was tossed over his shoulder. He skated fast until we reached the exit, making me scream and clutch onto him until he put me down on a chair to change out of my skates.

We quickly changed out of our skates and put our shoes on, just in case someone reported me and ran back to the car. When Michael finally started to drive away is when we started laughing.

"I can't believe I did that." I said, wiping the tears from my eyes as I laughed.

"That was an amazing punch though, I'm really proud." Michael said, smiling as he took my hand in his while driving with the other.

"This was a date to remember."

"It's not over. A movie marathon in my room while covered in blankets until we pass out."

"I think that's an amazing ending to a date." I leaned over the console and kissed his cheek.

"The first of many dates."

"Shut up." I said blushing.


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