Chapter 4

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The next week went by without any unusual events. I was talking to Antonio a lot, still hung out with the boys and still had a shit-ton of homework. Classes were going well, the ones me and Robin had, which were 3 out of 5, we would be joking around in, but we would get the work done.

My mom still called everyday, Logan still giving me looks each time my phone rings, he's still trying to get me to talk to him. Derek just lays on the couches all day, sipping pop and watching Netflix or playing video games. Michael stays in his room unless it's time for food or he has to do laundry. Then Robin and me always hang out, in my room, in the kitchen or in the living room. Out of all the boys, I'm closest with him so far.

Right now it was Friday night, I was stuck on what to write for our project of the semester for Fiction Writing; we had to write a story by the end of the semester that she would, if she liked it, give to her publisher friend.

This was my chance to become a known author, but I had nothing to write about.

After an hour of writing down and tossing ideas into the trash can, I was reduced to banging my head on my desk.

I heard the door open and heard Robins voice, "Uh, Katie, what are you doing?"

"Banging my head, why do you ask?" I replied as I kept doing it.

"It's just... Uh... We all heard a faint banging noise coming from your room, and we didn't know what you were doing. T-they sent me up here to see."

I stopped banging my head and looked at him finally, he was blushing bright red. I got up, "So you guys thought I was banging someone?"

"U-uh, yeah."

"Let's have some fun with this, go get one of your shirts," I said and he did as told.


An hour later, I went downstairs in one of his flannel tops, it was slightly open and I made my hair and make up look messy. Robin, as well, looked messy with no shirt, only boxers and messy hair.

Our plan was I got frustrated with homework and was banging my head, then when he came upstairs to check, he helped me relieve the stress. They might believe this because of how close we've been lately.

I walked into the kitchen where all the boys were munching on chips and stretched and groaned, pretending I was sore. The second I did that all eyes were on me.

"Hey guys," I said before going to the freezer and getting an ice pack and putting it to my head, "I hit my head."

"What were you..." Logan started but stopped when he saw Robin walk in, then I went and kissed Robins cheek.

They were all silent for a long time, with blank faces. Derek was the first to talk,

"You guys... did it?"

"Do you really wanna know what we did?" I said while keeping the ice pack against my head then grabbed a banana, "These are suppose to help with muscle cramps." I ate it will all the guys watching me.

Michael narrowed his eyes at me while having a hard look on his face, he seemed to be mad.

"Katie, you didn't actually do it, right?" Logan said, coming closer and putting my hand on my hair to pat it down, then whispered to me, "You didn't do it to get back at your mom right? Katie, if you ever want to talk i'm-" I cut him off.

"I'm fine, don't worry," I said a little coldly then moved away.

The boys were all staring at me and it was silent until Robin burst out laughing, causing me to laugh. The other boys were confused.

After a couple minutes of us laughing, we finally stopped.

"We did this as a joke to see what you guys would think," Robin said.

"Yeah, earlier I was just banging my head on my desk because of homework. I am still innocent so don't worry." I washed my face in the kitchen sink, cleaning the makeup.

"Oh, that's what you were doing?" Derek asked with a smirk on his face. Him and Logan were smiling at the joke while Michael still seemed annoyed.

"Yeah, my project for Fiction made me a little upset but I won't give up." I fixed my hair.

"You know you and Robin are crazy for that joke, right?" Derek said.

"Being crazy is fun," I said then put the ice pack away. Sitting down beside Michael I fixed the top I was wearing.

Michael got up, "Movie?"

"Sure," I said getting up and following him, the boys coming as well. Though tonight, Robin took my bean bag chair making me sit beside Michael.

"What's with the change of seats?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Michael said he wanted to sit beside you earlier," Robin said, "I'm just doing what he said."

I looked at Michael to see him blushing a little before putting on Netflix and choosing a movie. Though when the movie started I fell asleep..


I felt myself being picked up, held against a strong body. It was dark and all I saw when I opened my eyes was an outline.

The person brought me upstairs to my room and placed me in my bed. I felt hands smooth down my hair then a pair of lips kiss my forehead. I said "Thank you," quietly.

"Goodnight baby." I heard, before passing out.

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