Chapter 18

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"Let's go on a date."

My heart fluttered for a second before turning in my desk chair in my room to look at Michael sitting on my bed reading a book. "A date?"

"Yeah, I was thinking dinner and a movie, or we could go ice skating." He put his book down and looked at me. We've been on this 'kinda dating' for almost two months, and its gonna be Christmas soon and there's snow everywhere. My mom has still been calling, though not as often, just to make sure I'm not f*cking anything up. Also I got a job at the same bakery as Zoe, needing money and something to do when I don't have school.

"Are you being serious?" I got up and walked away from my homework to my bed to look down at him. 

"We can make it official."

"Everyone we know basically already knows that we're together." I rolled my eyes and turned to go back to my work when I was pulled back. I fell onto my bed with a squeal while he immediately wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his arms. 

I felt him kiss the top of my head, "Is that a no then?"

"The answers yes, now can I get back to work?"

"Nope." He turned me around and began kissing all over my face.


"Ooh, you think Derek would like this?" Lily held up a very see-through black lace piece of lingerie. 

The next day I was at the mall with her and Zoe, needing to get something for the guys for Christmas to put under the little plastic Christmas tree Robin set up. Me and the girls already got each other something and those gifts are already under the tree in Lilys one bedroom apartment. She moved to an art school near the area to stay with us and Derek and her dad was more than happy for her to have friends and to stay in the same area as her brother.

"I think he will love it, before he rips it off you." Zoe said, shes been less shy lately and more outgoing. Her and Logan have been talking for a couple weeks and they both seem happy. 

"Then he will need to buy me a new one if he rips it, this shit is expensive." She put it in the little basket full of other lingerie before finally going to the cashier and paying for it all."I'm done my shopping now, who am I helping next?"

Zoe wanted to buy something for Logan and we all knew this so we decided to help her, I'd get my gifts last. 

"I know he is running out of his favourite cologne, he is actually complaining about something for once." I said, going into a store for men. 

"But what are you gonna get him then?" Zoe asked, worried for me.

"He needed a new watch, I saw how destroyed his current one is so I'm gonna get him a new one.   

"Oh, okay as long as I'm not stealing your gift for him." We went to the cologne area and began looking around until we could find the right one. When we found it Zoe thanked me again before going to pay.

"Logan has a plan to kiss her on Christmas, eh?" Lily stood beside me as we watched happily pay for it.

"Yeah, the mistletoe, don't tell her."  We smiled as Zoe came back and we left the store and went into the nearest watch store to get my gift for him. 

"So, when's your date with Michael?" Lily said, looking at the watches for girls. 

"It's tonight actually," finding the Invicta watch I was looking for, a sleek black band and black face with gold accents, I went to pay as they followed me. "He is bringing me to this little restaurant for dinner then he won't tell me where we are going afterward."

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