Chapter 1 Leo and Piper

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Piper McLean
5 years old

"Stop it Leo!" I shriek running down the hallways of my mansion. "Never!" He yells while he continues to chase and shoot me with a water gun. I could hear him laughing. "Awe! You two are so cute together!" Leo's mom say's. I stop and so does Leo. We look at each other then back at her. "Ewwwww!" We both say in unison. "He's to annoying to be my boyfriend! And he icky!" I exclaim throwing my hands in the air. "She has girl germs mommy!" Leo tells dropping the now empty water gun on the floor. I dropped my water gun somewhere downstairs. "Okay, okay, sorry! Fine, you guys aren't cute." Ms. Valdez say's laughing. "Well, Im cute, he's definitely NOT cute!" I say to her. "Alright well, have fun you two. Don't break anything." She smiles at us and walks away. Anyway, let's get the introduction started! Im Piper McLean. I have short brown hair, and weird looking eyes that change color! Leo says I have rainbow eyes. And I have coppery tan skin. I'm Daughter of Tristan and Aphrodite McLean both actors. Im 5 years old and my best friend's name is Leo Valdez. He is also five. He has brown curly hair and big brown eyes, tan skin and pointy ears. I like to tease him by calling him an elf.We knew each other since we were babies. I think Leo is very annoying but, really cute. I may or may not like him. Whatever. His mom- who you just met- is Esperanza Valdez. She has curly brown hair, brown eyes, bright white smile, and tan looking skin. I think she is very pretty. "Hey Pipes! Do you wanna go to the park? We can ask my mommy!" He asks me bouncing up and down. "Yeah! Lets go!" I scream and we hurry to find ms. Valdez. "Mommy!" Leo yells as we find her in the living room. "Can me and Piper go to the park?" He asked. "Yeah sure, and Mijo, it's Piper and I." She corrected. "Ew! Grammar! That's worse than girl germs!" Leo yells. "Now now Mijo, Grammar is something you need in life. Now let's get you and Piper changed. Especially Piper. She's soaking wet Mijo!" She says. Leo gives a small smile and looks at me. "We had a water fight!" I say jumping up. "Okay you two go upstairs to your rooms and I'll be right there." She tells. "Okay!" We both say and run upstairs giggling because we were going to the park. I open my door and Leo comes in. He sits on my big bed and smiles big at me. Besties forever!

Leo Valdez
10 Years Old

"Leo and piper sitting in a tree! K-i-s-s-i-n-g! First comes love! Then comes marriage! Then comes a baby in a baby carriage!" The crowd of kids chant. I blush but also not minding the little chant. I kinda have a crush on her anyways. I look at Piper and see she's blushing a crimson red. Oh my god. She's so beautiful. I- sadly- unhook my hand that was holding hers. "Stop it! It's very stupid of all of you idiots! Stop chanting! Ugh!" Piper yells. "It's not cool guy's stop!" I say trying to make them stop but knew it was no use. The teacher came in which shut everyone up instantly. I smile to myself knowing that the stupid chant was over. I look at Piper again and she looks at me. I give her a sheepish smile, shrugging a little. She smiles her perfect smile at me and I feel like wanting to melt. I turn my head back to the board.

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