An Interview With WritingAnne

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WritingAnne is a writer of horror and dark fantasy with such titles as "Scream for Me" and "Dream Seeker".  Recently, Dark Dimensions interviewer, Cataclysm, sat down with her and shed some light on herself and her writing.

An Interview With WritingAnne

By Cataclysm

About writing:

DD: What motivates you most to write?

WritingAnne:  It’s what I do, simply put.  I have written for myself for most of my life.  In many ways, I only write for myself still.  However, sharing on Wattpad has given me the opportunity to see other’s thoughts and opinions, and the overall positive feedback I’ve received has been amazing and has kept me updating more frequently than I might have if it hadn’t gone very far. 

DD: How do you choose/get ideas for your stories?

WritingAnne: It depends.  Sometimes, I take from life experiences or things I read about.  Sometimes, it’s a certain song or a feeling something brings about in me.  I also have a couple of close friends who help me brainstorm and between them, they help me weed out some of the useless crap my brain thinks up.

DD: What is your favourite thing to write about?

WritingAnne: I really have no boundaries.  I like writing about things that make me feel a certain way.  Writing to me is a lot like listening to music; if it invokes an awesome feeling, I love it.  I could write about the color of my pen and be happy about it, as long as it made me feel cool.

DD: Are you confident with your writing skill? Why or why not?

WritingAnne: For the most part.  I’m very good with structure and flow, though sometimes I lose track of my plotline in the middle region and I have to do a rewrite.  My biggest problem is finishing a story, because I lose my train or desire, or something happens in life that makes me set it aside.  

DD: Do you like or hate clichés in writing? If you don’t, are there any exceptions?

WritingAnne: Normally, I don’t.  Like, I hate romances because to me, you should develop a good relationship and not have one moment completely hating someone and then the next being in love with them.  Exceptions are if they’re extremely well written and have twists that are abnormal but still flow well.  Meaning, no, I don’t like clichés in writing.  I absolutely abhor fan fictions with every fiber of my being above the rest, because that shows me that the person couldn’t think of their own story line and therefore want to do nothing but rewrite the original author’s work.  That’s a slap in the face to that original author, particularly when the fiction is total garbage.

DD: What made you start writing?

WritingAnne: An overactive imagination for one, though it was my fifth grade teacher that introduced me to the creative outlet.  We did creative writing a few times each week, and I still have my first completed story, which was a failed attempt at horror.

DD: Do you remember what inspired your first or early stories/works?

WritingAnne: R.L. Stine - as much as I just slandered fan fictions, I loved his books.  I still have an entire stack of R.L. Stine books that I’ve passed down to my children.  When I was younger, I tried to imitate writing like him, and though I failed miserably, I have written a lot of genres and have done an insane amount of technical writing for my current job.

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