I look at them as they sleep.

They look so cute.

Damien looks so relaxed. He usually looks very stressed out, though he tries to hide it. And Javier looks so adorable; he stirs a little, but then settles back down.

We ended up in Damien's room, so I head to his bathroom to take a shower. After the exhausting sex session, Javier and Damien ran me a bath to help alleviate the pain. I ended up falling asleep from exhaustion, then woke up to Javier carrying me to bed.

I reached inside turning on the light. The light in the bathroom was bright, it's rays shining off the tile floor.

Yesterday, in my drowsy state, I didn't get a good look at the bathroom when I was brought in. But now I can see it in its full glory.

The vanities were of a dark wood and the counters were a brilliant white quartz. Walnut framed mirrors hung over the counters. Fluffy towels neatly arranged, hang next to the shower. To the right on the shower is the separate bathtub made of gleaming white marble. The walls are large format tiles of white honed travertine and the floor is made of white tiles.

I walk across the floor with under-floor heating, to the shower. On the floor, in front of the shower is a fluffy bath mat.

I hope into the shower; turning on the water. I let the cool water run through my hair and down my body. I grab the shampoo, squirting some into my hands, then rubbing if into my hair. The shampoo has a musky smell that reminds me of Damien.

As I wash my hair, my mind thinks back to the events that have happened.

It's amazing how only a couple of mounts ago I was all for saving myself for the one I love until I get married. But now that I look back on it. It was more my mom talking than me. I had always wanted to try sec but was two afraid because my mom had jammed it into my head that I had to wait.

But what if I get married when I'm fifty? Do people even wait that long? Well if they do, I won't be one of them.

It's crazy how things can change so quickly. Just a few hours ago I was the clueless little virgin. The less than 24 hours later, I have had sex with two people. Granted I am not in love, but I did have fun. And besides isn't that the whole point of sex; to have fun.

I know I did.

At first I thought that maybe I rushed into it and let the heat of the moment overtake me. But as I think about it more and more, I realize that I don't regret that it happened.

I snap out of my thoughts when they shower door opens and Javier walks in, followed by Damien.

"You're up early," Javier says massaging my still shampooed hair.

I'm too busy trying to keep the water from my eyes to respond.
Javier places my head over the shower head to wash the suds from my hair.
I hold onto his waist for support, as I can't see with the water rushing down my face.

Behind me, Damien has begun to wash me with a body wash lather loofa, running it up and down my back.

This morning we are going back to the U.S. Back to my regular life. I wish I could stay here forever, but nothing lasts forever, and that includes this week. The shower leads to another delicious round of passion.

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