Alone with a monster

Start from the beginning

I turn on the shower and let myself get drenched; clothes and all. If I can wash my scent away, he won't be able to find me as fast. Once I'm soaking wet I turn off the shower and go back into the bedroom. I dart under the bed and stay motionless. I feel like a child, hiding under a bed.

Trying to stay calm and keep my heart rate lower, I pull out my iPhone and start watching 'revolution' on Netflix. I mute it and put the subtitles on so no one will be able to hear it.

After two hours of cowering under the bed, I slowly come out to investigate. Why isn't he here?

I tip toe to the door and feel my fingers graze the door knob. Just a peek. Then I'll go back under the bed...

I quietly turn the knob and crack the door open. The hall is dark, only the light from my iPhone can be seen. Crap!! My iPhone, I left it on!! So stupid!!

I look down at my iPhone to find it turned off...

I squeeze my eyes shut then open them. Please tell me I just imagined a light.
I then hear it...Anthony's breathing.

He's behind me.

He was in my room the entire time. He has been watching me cower away from him. I don't even turn around, I just bolt out of my room and into the pitch black hall. I can hear him right behind me. I run faster and practically fly up the stairs. I run through a maze of hallways and finally come to a stop inside the lounge room.

I listen but I don't hear anything other than my own breathing. I want to shout for joy but I restrain myself. Suddenly I hear Anthony start talking. He's still a little ways away. I army crawl behind the black, leather couch and hold my breath.

"I knew the 'I'll kill Kayden' thing would only work for a while. But don't worry, I have something else up my sleeve."

He's getting closer.

"If you don't come out right now, I'll tell everyone your secret."

That's not possible...

He can't know my secret!! I've never told anyone!

"And don't worry about my first promise, because I'll do that one too. I'm a multitasker."

I can almost see him out of the darkness.

"I'll make sure Kayden is the first one to know. Then I'll watch him bleed out after I slit his throat."He whispers.

My heart sinks into my stomach. I can't hurt Kayden mentally and physically!!

Calm down Tara...

Maybe he's just faking. I couldn't possibly know my secret...

"Maybe you're not hearing me correctly. What was it? 'Feramors mangone' right? That's what your real father was. A monster."

He knows.

I have to give myself up, because if I don't, I'll die. My mate would have to kill me if my secret got out. I won't put him through that.

I slowly crawl out from behind the couch and stand up. After a moment of complete silence, I hear his breathing behind me.His hands snake around my waist as he kisses my neck. He stops and starts leading me to his room. I walk in silence... I'm defeated.

"I would've never thought you were a Feramors mangone's daughter. You're so gentle and kind, no one would've ever thought you were a monster's daughter." He says.

I flinch at those words. I'm not a monster, am I?

Im pulled out of my thoughts when I see his bedroom door just ahead of us. I suck in a breath and clench my jaw shut. I look around, desperately trying to look for someone to stop what's about to happen. But there's no one. It's just me and Anthony.

No one is coming to save me. No one will ever be able to save me.

He opens the door and throws me inside. I watch him lock the door and start coming toward me. His face is so close, our breath mingles together. His hands are under my shirt as his lips crash into mine. I don't respond, I just stand there like a statue.

He rips my shirt off and shoves me onto the bed. I try to jump off,be he climbs on top of me, pinning me between him and the bed. My wrists are in his hands as he attacks my lips.

He pulls away and rips his own shirt off. I try squirming out from under him, but it's no use. I'm trapped.

He places kisses down my neck all the way to my collar bone. Fear shoots up my spine, afraid that he might mark me without my consent. I want to scream in fear, but I won't give him that pleasure. He holds my wrists tightly in one hand and with the other he plays with my bra clip. I feel him undo my bra and he slowly pulls it off me.

I put up a struggle but He finally get tired of it and he hits me. I feel blood gushing out of my nose. I won't give up because he hit me!! I'm not a freakin punching bag!!I buck him off me and jump off the bed. Once my feet touch the ground, I feel a pain in my stomach. I crumple to the ground and hold my stomach. I watch his foot connect with my stomach once meI look up to see Anthony fuming. He grabs my hair and pulls me up.

"I can do this all day gorgeous. I just don't think you can." He whispers in my ear.

He throws me against the wall and I hit it with a sickening crack. The wall has an indention in it from him throwing me so hard at it. I feel blood seeping down my head and down my back.

His arms are one either side of me, pinning me against the wall. Tears start to fall from my eyes. I can't hold them back anymore.

Suddenly, he grabs my wrists and ties them together with a rope drenched in wolfsbane. The wolfsbane makes my skin burn. I scream in pain as I feel it burning the skin off my wrists.

He pulls me to the bed post and pushes me to the ground. I watch him ,with blurry eyes, tie me to the bed post.

Anthony bends down next to me and runs his hands over my chest. I flinch as his disgusting fingers glide lower down.

He thinks I'm the monster, but I know he is the real monster. only one thing that is running through my mind

I'm alone with a monster.

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