Feeling Insecure

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"Of course I have. Why would you ask me that?" You asked looking over at him.

"You're lying. You're f*cking lying to me!" He said as he raised his voice at you.

You flinched at the words. Niall hardly ever raised his voice at you. And even though he had an Irish mouth on him, he rarely used foul language or cuss words when speaking directly to you. But lying to Niall was one quick way to get to him upset.

"I'm not lying. I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me all the damn time. I'm not a baby, Niall!"

"But you're carrying both of mine. And I won't let you starve yourself. Because you aren't just starving yourself, you're starving them." He said.

You looked over at him as he reached up and ran a hand through his hair as he let out a frustrated sigh.

"Do you know how much it hurts me to see you do this to yourself? I see the way the color has drained from your cheeks. I see the way you stand in front of the mirror for ages as you criticize every part of you. I know that you lay in bed awake for hours over thinking about how you look. I see the bits of food in your napkin when I clear the table after we eat. I hate it, Y/n! I f*cking hate it! You're beautiful! And I love every part of you! I just wish for a minute – just one minute you could see yourself through my eyes. I wish I could make you see how beautiful you are." He said as he looked over at you with tear filled eyes.

Then a tear escaped his eyes and rolled down his cheek, and you scooted over to him. It was an instinct for you to want to comfort him. You hated seeing him cry, and even though you were upset about him snapping on you, you still wanted to take care of him. He opened his arms and you wrapped your arms around his torso and leaned your head on his shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry, Niall." You said as you realized how much this was affecting you. You hated seeing how much you were actually hurting him. It made your chest ache to know that you were the reason your usually strong husband was breaking down.

"You're not okay and it's hurting me so much." He managed to say through his tears. "I worry because I love you...and I love these babies." He said as he put his hand on your bump. "And I don't want anything to happen to any of you. I hate to think that I'm watching you starve not just yourself, but them. And for what? Some fans who are jealous that you are having my babies so they call you fat? Low life paparazzi who just want to make a dollar at your expense? Some magazine who writes a bad story about you? I hate that you're doing this because of people that don't matter. Please don't listen to any of them, princess. You are beautiful. I love every little part of you. Please don't do this to yourself anymore." He pleaded.

"Niall...this isn't about hate from fans or paparazzi. This about me, and me alone. It's so hard to step on the scale and see the number get higher and higher. It's hard to look in the mirror and see the stretch marks from my body changing, the extra fat around my hips, the way my ankles are swollen constantly. It's like I don't even know the person in the reflection anymore." You said.

Niall leaned down as kissed the top of your head and held you tightly.

"I'm sorry, Niall. It's just hard to see pictures of girls my age that are pretty and skinny and look amazing in pictures....then there's me and I look awful." You said.

"Princes you look anything but awful! You are so beautiful with the baby bump sticking out. I've never seen someone look so cute while pregnant. I love you more today than I did the first night I saw you. I would take waking up next to you every morning over dating one of those girls in the magazines any day." He said.

"You really mean that?" You asked as you looked up at him.

"Yes, baby. I love my life I have with you. I love getting to call you my wife. I love looking down at your bump and knowing that you are the woman carrying my children. You are giving me the greatest gifts I could ever ask for, and that's something no other woman in the world can say. I just wish you could see how beautiful you truly are." He said. "I love everything about you."

He then placed another gentle kiss on your lips. Then he kissed along the line of your jaw. His lips moved to your neck and left a trail as he lightly brushed his lips over your partially exposed collar bones. He then made his way down to your stomach as he lifted your shirt up. He placed a sweet gentle kiss to each of the stretch marks covering your skin.

"I'm in love with you...and all these little things." He softly sang before looking up into your eyes. You smiled down at your husband, wondering what you ever did to deserve him.

**Niall's P.O.V**

Y/n ended up crying herself to sleep in my arms after our talk. I carried her down the hall to our bedroom and tucked her in before coming back to the living room. I hated seeing her so upset, but I couldn't let her continue like that. She was going to kill herself and the babies if she didn't start eating. I hated knowing that all of this was because of pictures she saw in magazines. If only there was a way for me to show her she looks just as beautiful as those girls in magazines...then it hit me.

I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket and looked for Cal's number. He could help me.

"Hello?" He said as he answered.

"Hey Cal, it's Niall. How are ya mate?"

"Niall! I'm good. How are you?" Cal said.

"I'm alright. Hey listen, I was wondering if I could ask you for a favor..."

**Author's Note**

Hey guys! So this chapter was requested by quite a few of you. I usually like to try to mention people who sent in ideas for the imagines but there were too many people to name that requested this one. But hope it meets your expectations! As someone who has struggled with self image issues in the past, this imagine was very personal for me to write. I am going to write a part two to this where Niall does something sweet to make Y/n feel better, because that was another chapter that was requested by a lot of people. But I didn't want to post one really long imagine so I decided to break it into two parts. Part two should be up tonight or tomorrow. 

Hope you all like it! xxx Kaley

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