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I called all the guys to team 1's lounge. I walked into the room and saw them all laughing and joking around. I enjoyed seeing them smile. It made me happy. I closed the door. Tom looked at me with the hazel eye of his. There was not sadness in them only joy and happiness. I smiled.

"Gwen there you are. We are all here like you asked." Tom spoke everyone went silent. I looked at each one of them individually.

"It has been a year no since i joined the team." I began to speak but Sam shouted,

"We are glad to have you." I smiled and laughed.

"Well since you have all become family now. I would like to take you to my home."  They just looked at me.

"What is you home town called?" I looked at Orlando who was looking at the floor. I looked up and said

"Falonde" They all looked at me with the what expression.  A smile played on my lips. I back at Orlando who also had a smile playing on his.

Orlando has been very confusing over the past year. He keeps on talking to me like he knows who i really am and plays around with it. But i am very grateful for what he done for me.

*Flashback 6 months ago*

 "Suspect heading south toward the river." I spoke over my ear piece so that the rest of my team. I was panting and sweating like a pig. I had all of my armour, ammunition and my riffle on me. The damn riffles way a lot. Right now i am running through long grass jumping over it to.

I am in pursuit of a man aged 25. He has possession of  Colt M1911 pistol. He has already shot and injured 3 people. The team was giving a tip off that he fled to here so Orlando and i Are here to check it out. Right enough the tip was right and he was heading towards the river. Orlando went down river to sneak up towards him and take him by surprise. I went to face him head on.

I finally made it too the river. Nothing was there. I stepped closer too the river. It had a soft current. It was very relaxing. I could hear the sound of birds. 

"Hes not hear. He must hav..." before i could finish i felt a gush of water cover my whole body. I could not breath. I struggled and struggled. But i had no hope. My ear piece Is waterproof so i could hear everyone asking if i am still there.

"Gwen are you there, GWEN answer me!" I heard Orlando's voice. My team must have just heard the noise of the water while i struggled to breath. I stopped moving and my world went black. I could see a light in the distance. I started to walk towards it. When i reached it i found what looked to be a gate. It was beautiful. It had words engraved into the sides. 

*Orlando POV*

I ran up stream as fast as i could. I had my riffle up ready to fire. I saw no one. I continued to press forward when something caught my eye. I bent down and moved grass out the road. Gwen's riffle. I looked around to find Gwen. My worst nightmare came true. I looked into the shallows of the rivers. there lying ever so still was Gwen. I ran over swung my riffle out the road and puled Gwen ashore. I checked to see if she was breathing.

"Gwen, can you hear me Gwen. Guys i need an ambulance asap." I bent down to check her breathing. nothing.

"She's not breathing." I said loud enough so everyone could hear me. No one said a word. 

"We are on our way Orlando. Don't let her go." I began CPR on her. 1,2,3,4,5,6...30 I then gave her two breaths. And repeated the action 5 times. 

"I am sorry guys she is not coming back." I stopped CPR and sat back. Tears streamed down my face as i watched her lifeless body lying there. I closed my eyes and put my face in my hands. I had lost her. I looked down at her lifeless body and was about to pick her up to take her to the car when she coughed. She spat out water and was breathing heavily. 

"Guys she back, she is breathing!" i practically shouted down the ear piece

She opened her eyes and said.

"I'm s-s-sorry." She smiled and then her eyes closed and the smile disappeared. She was unconscious. I picked her up and ran toward the car.

*end of flashback*

That is how i am grateful to Orlando. He saved my life. 

"Where is this Falonde?" Sam asked I looked at him.

"Far away. We have the day off tomorrow so i would like yous to come then." They all nodded in agreement.

"We look forward to it Gwen." Larry said I nodded and went to get changed. I stopped as i was just about to close the door. 

"Oh we will meet at the fairies hill. At 1 pm tomorrow. Our ride will be waiting for us then." I walked in and cosed the door. I can't wait for tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2012 ⏰

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