Chapter Twenty Two

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Zala looked at Violet. "I believe it would be best to explain it. She was the one who brought up this quest in the first place, after all..." She murmured, nodding towards the girl with a slight smile of encouragement.

Violet's eyes widened in surprise. "Why me?" She asked.

"Because, as I said, you would be beat to explain and you started all this." Zala sighed.

Violet frowned, "Alright, fine..." She took a deep breath before she began her not-so-much of a little story;

"I came through a gate that was in a forest in my realm, where humans are at. It led me into Shoko in a meadow of puffy flowers. Then these knights and King Shoko came and shot some tranquilizer at me after I couldn't find the gate again to go home. I passed out and woke up in a dungeon. Shoko demanded me who I was and I told him. I was then released and was shown to the bunk, where I met Zala and River. A day or two after, I heard that an evil king was waging war. I thought it was you who was the evil king, but I found out by them that King Shoko was the one who did that and is evil. I then went to the king and asked if I could train for a week to do a mission to defeat the evil king, so... I passed my training and went on with the quest.... And now I am here, telling you my story."

The queen slowly as she listened. After the story ended, she smiled. "That's a very interesting story to hear. Must have been an interesting day and life changing that day for you."

"Greatly. I never thought that I would experience all this and all this would happen."

"Yes, now... Shoko has been declaring war for months now and threatening us. Sometimes even attempting to kill me." Clarissa muttered, furrowing her eyebrow and her expression turning serious. "We need to fight back or this will continue on. King Shoko needs to arrested and a new king and/or queen appointed to the other kingdom."

Violet's eyes widened, "F-Fight back? Like an actual war?" She stuttered.

She nodded a yes.

Zala frowned, "How do you suppose we fight back? When are we going to do this?"

"We plan an invasion and King Shoko will be alerted about us invading. We wait at the edge of the forest and if we do not revolve this situation, which will most likely not happen, we will have to battle and kill him. It may be harsh to kill him, but we have to do that. If we are unable to kill him, he will be locked under tight security in the dungeon." The queen said as she looked at Zala.

"That is a very simple plan, but it will have to do. Again, when are we going to do this?"

"Tomorrow. I like to do this as quickly as possible. We will start suiting up and preparing tomorrow and head out in the morning after. It may be uncomfortable to sleep in armor though..."

"The day after tomorrow we start heading out for battle?" Violet gasped in surprise, "How are we going to get there in less than a day? We got here in six days or so!"

"Teleportation. As an elf and queen, I have the power of teleportation when necessary. Right now, it is necessary." Queen Clarissa chuckled at Violet's look of extreme surprise and confusion when she had told her about the said power.

"That's... Um... Okay." Violet muttered, rubbling her temples. All this seemed to be stressing her out; having to suit up tomorrow and go into battle the next day. Defeat King Shoko and his army of knights.

Ciel had apparently took note of her stress and frowned, concerned. "You don't have to go into battle if you don't want to. You can stay here."

Violet sighed, "Yes, but I want to go out there and be useful. I want to battle alongside my friends and help them when they are in need. If I can battle and protect myself and others, I will go and do so." She said as she put on her best look of courage.

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