the pet name princess made ashton's heart flutter. he doesn't know why, but every time someone gives ashton a nickname he blushes like crazy.

and that's exactly what happened. he turned red like a tomato which made luke let out a sound. the sight made the two other boys laughed so they joined in.

ashton swore their laughs were actually angels singing. they sounded beautiful when apart but even better together. ashton looked up at them all with love in his eyes before he was snatched away by some girl.

"i'll talk to you at lunch!" ashton waved to the teenagers as he got dragged down the hall and around the corridor.

"those filthy seniors need to leave you alone." huffed the girl as she pulled ashton into the closet.

she turned the light on and started to check around ashton's body to see if they ever made a move. she found no hickeys or love bites so he was good.

"what's your name?" ashton asked.

she stared down at ashton and stared at his warm hazel eyes with emotionless dark ones, "that's none of your business." then off she went.

ashton was left in the closet with a confused look on his face. he didn't know what that was for but he decided to shrug it off and go to his classes.


ashton sat with his head low in class. it was the last class of the day and guess what it was.

sex ed.

yes, the most terrifying class for a freshman. especially where everyone else is seniors and you're the only freshman there. completely terrifying.

everyone else was snickering at the material whilst ashton was gazing down with flushed cheeks.

since the curly haired boy was too busy scuffing his boots, he didn't notice the three adults eyeing him.

"okay class! i'm gonna partner everyone up into groups of four and then I'll give you your assignment." the teacher said. everyone groaned at the thought of not being able to pick their groups.

ashton started to scribble in a notebook when he heard his name and three other.

"wait what?" he asked because he didn't catch on.

"is there a problem, mr. irwin?" the teacher asked. ashton vigorously shook his head and put his hands up.

"no! not at all sir! i just didn't catch the people who i'm working with and i wanted to know!" he defended himself.

"very well. i said you're working with mr. hood, mr. hemmings, and mr. clifford." he repeated. ashton nodded as he felt eyes burning holes in his side.

"now that that's settled, here's your assignment," he started before clearing his throat and picking up a paper, "over the weekend, i want you to meet with your groups and draw and label all the parts of the male reproductive system." he finished.

everyone mumbled out yes and ashton just nodded his head.

"the project is due in two weeks!" he said and the bell rung, indicating class was over, "don't forget to do it! have a nice weekend!" he yelled.

ashton picked up all his books and was about to leave when a hand was on his shoulder. he stopped in place and slowly turned around to look up at the taller men.

michael had his hand resting on ashton's shoulder and had a soft look on his face.

"would you like to come over to one of our places tonight and work on the project?" he asked. ashton was about to agree when he realized that his mom needed help at home.

"i would but i can't. my mom is in need of great help and i'm the only one and i need to keep him occupied and oh, i just can't tonight but surely tomorrow i promise." ashton said quickly, staring up at the trio with wide eyes.

"wait, who's him and why do you need to keep him occupied?" calum asked.

"my dad is him and i need to keep him occupied since my mom can't do things like she used to anymore. she's so tired but he doesn't care and it usually just ends up into screaming and then it's silent and he comes to me and–" ashton cut himself off stared behind them with fear in his eyes. he was about to give away more than he should.

"why did you stop? what's wrong?" luke asked.

"n-nothing! it's o-okay." he stuttered. his hands started to shake but he ignored it. his knees felt weak.

"ashton... does your father... you know, touch you?" michael asked in a hushed tone only them four could hear.

ashton gripped into his binder so tight his knuckles turned white. he bit his lip hard and stared into nothing.

"no!" he shouted. his eyes started to dart back and forth. he kept shouting no as he ran away and out of the school.

"guys, i don't know if ashton's home is a safe place." calum spoke up. they all nodded but shrugged it off and went to luke's house.

and while the seniors cuddled and fell asleep together, ashton fell asleep with a very sore jaw, an aching throat and a very pleased father.

guys idk when things should actually take off between the four. like what chapter? next chapter? tenth chapter? help me out here. i hope you liked this chapter, don't forget to comment, vote and keep on reading!


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