The Story of My Life

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I would like to introduce my self my name is Arial. I'm 18 years old and in my last year of high school and my boyfriend is Harry Styles, captain of the basketball, and soccer team.

People say that we are the "perfect" couple. I guess because of how long we've been together. I am captain of the volleyball team, and I also play basketball, and softball. My life revolves around my school, sports, and of course my family and Harry.

Harry and I have been together since about 8th grade, we were 14 years old. I couldn't imagine my life without him. We've survived a lot through the years, and I'm happy to say we're still together. I just hope we can survive our senior year.


Author's note
So I'm gonna be honest. I think this story really sucks and I'm changing a lot of things. I tried starting it a long time ago when I was basically a little kid now I've grown up quite a bit. I was gonna try making this story take place in England, but if it's not obvious I'm an American and I have no idea how things are in England. So the story takes place in the US in the state of Ohio.

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