Heart to Heart (Part One)

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Working in the heat was not a new experience for you. It was something you thought you'd gotten used to but this week seemed to be an exception. Before the week started you made arrangements with Yang to go out for dinner, you didn't settle on anywhere specific. Needless to say that was all you could think about. That proved to be a bother while you were working. You wanted time to go by faster so Saturday could come and you could be with Yang again. Since time seemed to move much more slower the heat got to you more, to the point where you could've sworn you saw it visibly distorting the air while you were working. This led to it becoming increasingly uncomfortable to stand in the same spot for hours, which led to you pacing around the shop many times during the day, usually stopping by the fridge to stand by it for a while until customers came in.

Around halfway through the week your plans for Saturday changed. Yang messaged you, inviting you to the beach. Before you could even reply, Ivan sent you a message saying essentially the same thing. As it turned out a lot of the students at Beacon were planning on going to the beach that day. You were still going on your date later on but now you'd also get to spend more time with Yang, even if both her team and Ivans' team were going to be there, along with others.

When the day came Ivan and his team visited about midday. Ivan wanted to buy a 24 pack of soda to bring to the beach. You decided that since they were coming over you would drive them to the beach, it would also work out well for you since you could go on your date with Yang the moment you were both ready.

"I'm giving you the drinks for nothing, stop complaining." you reprimanded your best friend.

"Teams RWBY and JNPR were already there well before you woke up and it takes nearly an hour to get there. We could've already been there by now." he complained, putting the cans in the boot of the car.

"You wanted the drinks and you took me up on my offer to drive you there. You should've told me what time everyone else was going at so I could get up earlier."

"Most people don't go to bed at 5 am."

"Anyone besides him wanna ride shotgun ?" you asked the rest of team DINO.

"I'll take you up on that offer." the team leader, Deena, replied.

Everyone got in and you started the car. You caught a glimpse of your mom in the shop and waved goodbye, whether she saw you or not, before driving off.

"So what are you gonna do about keeping those drinks cool ?" Deena asked Ivan. There was a few seconds of silence before you heard a small bit of snickering come from everyone except Ivan. Deena then spoke to you on what you were missing. "You can't see it but he just realised he's after making a mistake."

You chuckled at this.

"Weiss can keep them cold." Ivan suggested.

"Do you really think she brought her weapon with her ?" Nima reminded him.

"Well maybe she..."

"She's not gonna be able to keep them cold."

"You didn't bring a cooler did you (y/n) ?"

"No. Thought you would do something about keeping them chilled."

"Just great." Ivan groaned.

There was silence between everyone for a minute.

"So I guess you're not doing a barbecue today." Ivan asked you.


"Why would he be having a barbecue ?" Nima asked.

Someone Special(Yang X Male Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें