Chapter 22: date night.

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I woke up the next morning to screaming in the bathroom. I opened my eyes to see I was still on the sofa from last night.

"PHOEBE!" George yelled from the bathroom.

I quickly closed my eyes and pretend I was asleep as he stormed into the living room.

"What the hell is this?" He asks as he steps in front of me. I resist the urge to laugh or smile. "Don't pretend your asleep, I know your awake!" He yells as I give up my act.

I open my eyes to see his face covered in sharpie. I couldn't hold the laughter in and bust out laughing.

He glared at me and that only caused me to laugh even harder. It took me 10 minutes to fully calm down, and even then I couldn't take him seriously.

"What did you do? It won't come off." He asks

"Well no shît Sherlock, it's sharpie." I say calmly.

"WHAT!" He yells then runs to the bathroom.

I followed him into the bathroom to find him scrubbing his face raw. I hold back my laughter and stand next to him.

"If it makes you feel any better, I think you look a thousand times better." I joke earning a glare from him.

"Whatever, it's fading a little already." He says ignoring my comment.

"What ever makes you feel better, Georgina." I joke and walk out the bathroom to leave him to it.


I was at my house,  in my room with Jo wondering what George could be taking me to for our date.

"What did he tell you to dress like again." Jo asks for the thousandth time.

"Casual." I say again.

"Ok, so like walk in the park or movie or theme park." She suggests, which I just shrug my shoulders at.

"Who knows. At lest I know it's nothing too fancy."

"Yeah, but aren't you the lest bit curious?" She asks to which I just shrug my shoulders again.

"Not really, I trust him. And what's the worst he can do anyway?" I ask to which Jo just sighs.

"Whatever. What time is he picking you up anyway?" She asks, I swear she wants to know every detail.

"About seven. Anyway, what is this? twenty questions?" I ask, to which she just laughs and sticks her tongue out at me.

"Whatever you say, but you have to get ready." She stays and stats going through my draws.

"Why, it's only five, we have two hours?"

"Yes and you need to have a shower and get dressed." She says and starts throwing clothes over my clean room.

"What, but that only takes half an hour, 45 minutes max." I say shocked she wants to get ready now.

"What am I going to do with you and your tomboy ways?"

"It's not tomboy ways, it's just called having good time management." I explain.

"Sure, what ever." She says not really listening to me any more.

The next two hours consist of Jo yelling at me to do stuff, me refusenik and laying on my bed until she inevitably gave up and let me do it my way.

She wasn't mad or anything, we went though this every time I had a date or an important event. It was almost a ritual.

7 came around quicker than I thought it would but I was ready. I even started getting ready at 6 just to make Jo happy.

I was wearing just my usual black jeans and graphic t-shirt, to much of Jo disappointment.

There was a knock at the door and I raced to get it. Opening the door, I saw George in black jeans and a grey plan top.

"Oh, you two are too good together." Jo says behind me giving us both glares.
"Look at you both, just as boring as the other." Jo says and turns around heading into the living room.

"What was up with her?" George asks eyeing her weirdly.

"Oh, she just gets excited when j have dates." I say as I walk out and close the door behind me.

"Oh. wait, you don't get meany dates?" He asks as we get to his car and he opens the door for me.

"Not really, I've been on a few but not recently, I've had my career to think about."

"Wow, you are one dedicated person."

"I just want to do well." I say with a smile knowing he appreciates my sacrifices. "Anyway, where are you taking me tonight?" I ask.

"That's a surprise." He said while pulling away.

Half and hour later, we pull up at the edge of a forest. There was fairy lights lighting the way up a path a few people where already going up.

I gave George a curious look which he just returned with a smile of his own. I got out and met him at the front of the car.

He grabbed my hand and said, "do you trust me?" With a smile still on his face.

"Lucky for you, I do trust you." With that he leads me up the path.

The path went on for a good few minutes, until it lead us to a clearing that was lit by only fairy lights which where woven in the trees. At the far end of the clearing was a large projector and screen. Surrounding it was blanks with couples surrounding it waiting for the movie to start.

I looked at George to find he had sat down on a blanket with a picnic on it. I smiled and joined him.

"So what's all this?" I asks looking around.

"Well, I know how much you love movies, so I bought you here to have a romantic screening of safe haven."

I smiled at him as he said the name of the only romantic movie I actually like.

"Ben and jerrys?" He asked as he handed me a tub of cookie doe and a spoon.

I jump up and hugged him, thanking him. He hugged me back then just when I was about to kiss him, the movie started.

That night was the best date night I have ever been on, and I will never forget it. I'm so glad I have George a second chance. Other wise, I wouldn't be able to have known how romantic he could really be.

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