Chapter 20: slow and steady

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George. I was all wrong about him, first my brother said he wouldn't leave until I came home safe. Next Jess came up to me saying it was her fault and praising him. Finally he got me the place in England, and probably threatened his career in doing so.

I was so wrong about him, why couldn't I just forgive him instead of ignoring him. Oh god,I said all that stuff to him, told him he was a manipulating weasel. I can only hope he forgives me.

I jump up from where I was sitting in an instant. Jo looks at me wide eyes and with a grin on her face, knowing exactly what I was going to do.

"I have to apologise." I say and run to the door.

Jo's grin turns into a wide smile as she jumps up and down on the spot. I bet her and Morgan made bets about me and George, I hope she won.

"Yes! I've always liked him, go get him girl!" She yells after me as I sprint out the house and down the road.

As I run I heard Jo screaming "The ship is cannon! The ship is cannon!" Over and over again.

I run all the way to George's house, it was chucking it down with rain but I just kept running in my vest top and black skinny jeans.  I was soaked through in seconds, but I didn't care, not even a Little bit.

George lived on the other side of bath, so sprinting that far really proved to me how well the cardio workouts worked.

On the way I passed people who were in full rain coats and umbrellas and they all looked at me like I was mad. And maybe I am. But now wasn't the time to debate my mental issues, I had to get to George with hopes he will forgive me for my behaviour towards him.

I reached his door in 30 minutes later and started smacking and pounding on it as hard as I could. I swear he now has a dent in his door the size of my fist.

"George, get your lazy ašš to the door now!" I scream through the door.

"Calm down, I'm coming!" I heard back.

Moments later George opened the door and flung my self at him, giving him the biggest hug ever.

Him, obviously not caring that I'm socked to the bone, hugs me back with the same bone crushing hug.

"Why are you here? Why are you socked through? Did you run here? Have you forgiven m-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his, shutting up his rambling. He was surprised at that but soon relaxed into the kiss and returned it. He pulled me in from the rain and shut the door. We both pulled away from air with heavy panting.

"What was that for!" He asked looking into my eyes.

"To say I'm sorry, your not a weasel and I understand now. Also I wanted to thank you for talking to England rugby." He smiled down at me and pulled me into another hug.
"Also it was to shut you up." I add making him laugh.

"God, I'm so sorry. I had no idea what was going on until it was too late. Phoebe, I promise I will never do anything like that again." He said with honestly lacing every feature on his face.

Even his bright, blue eyes showed only the truth, and man did I miss his eyes. They were as clear as the ocean but as bright as the sky.

I smile up at him and answer "Good, because of you do, I'll cut off your balls and feed them to you." I say insolently.

"I think your brother would beat you to it." He said with a chuckle. Making me remember all the beatings he got from not only Mike, but also Damon. I cringe at the thought.

"Sorry about that, he gets a bit too protective sometimes." I say looking down at my feet.

"It's fine, I've had worse."  He said pulling my chin up to look at him.

I look at him again to see his injuries are still there, but instead of a frown, there's a gleaming, white smile. Like his happiness was contagious, I smiled along with him.


I stayed at George's last night since there was a full storm, I don't have a car and his car was in the garage.

We spent the whole night watching the 3rd season of game of thrones. George said he had watched up to the end of season two, saying when I introduced him to it, he couldn't stop watching.

"So, what was your reaction at the end of season one." I asked, knowing he must have been shocked in some way.

"I can't believe you didn't warn me!" He joked, "I walked strait into the trap blind." I laughed at his reaction. 

"Oh, it gets worse." I say teasing him.

"I don't think I can handle any more." He says looking defeated.

We sit there in a comfortable silence, me leaning on George's shoulder with his arm draped around my shoulders watching Jon snow be all heroic and amazing. 

"So, I'm guessing we are going to go slow now, right?" George asked innocently making me smile.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean slow and steady wins the race, right?"

"True, and trust me I want to win this race." He says making me chuckle.

We watched to the end of the season, where to no surprise both of us cried. Even though George tried to pass it of as something in his eye.

I ended up falling asleep on his sofa. And just like before he kissed my forehead. But instead of saying he wished we could be together, he said

"We will be together, trust me."

And with that I fell into a dreamless sleep. Yes, I've forgiven George, but slow and steady wins the race.

Rugby at heart - a George ford fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora