Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

<Violet City, Gym>

“Leader, there’s a new challenger!” Emma cried out.

“Uh huh.”

“Leader can you hear me?”

Falkner did not reply.


“Okay, okay I’m coming!” Falkner grumbled as he walked back into the gym. “Arceus… How many times must you call?”

“I’ve been calling you for thirty minutes now!” Emma frowned. “You have to do your duties properly you know. The Pokémon association’s been watching you very closely since your release three months ago!”

“You don’t have to remind me.” Falkner groaned. “Where’s this challenger of mine? Have you fought him already?”

“Her, actually.” Emma corrected. “She’s about 2 badges… I think.”

“3, in fact.”

“Excuse me?”

“She’s 3 badge standard.” Falkner said.

Emma gave him a strange look. “How did you…?”

“I look like I’m not looking but I am.” Falkner said as he pointed to a camera mounted on the walls.

Emma could not help but smile. “Then did you even have to ask?”

“Well I need to know if you’re getting better, right? Nice battle, by the way.” Falkner said as he walked closer to the arena.

“Falkner, is that you?” The challenger asked.

“Yes. It’s Leader Falkner, actually.” Falkner replied. “What is your name?”

Emma quickly turned her attention to Falkner’s battle. The past couple of months, Falkner had been accepting more and more challenges in an attempt to please the Pokémon Association, prior to his arrest three months ago, and it was always interesting to watch him in action.

‘Boom!’ The pokeballs flew open and the battle began.


“No, Crawdaunt!” The trainer cried.

“Finish it, Chatot!” Falkner said. “Wing Attack!”

“Wing Attack! Wing Attack!” Chatot cried as it closed in for the final strike.

‘Bam!’ The attack connected and the Crawdaunt fell to the ground fainted.

“Arrgh!” The trainer yelled in frustration.

“Better luck next time.” Falkner said as he exited the arena.

“Better luck! Better luck!” Chatot echoed as it flew towards Falkner.

“You know, you should have went easy on her.” Emma said as she crossed her arms.

Falkner turned towards the sound of her voice and replied. “I did.”

“Oh yeah?”

Falkner did not seem to be paying attention. “Yeah. Hey Emma I just remembered… Did anyone call me just now?”

“A call? No.”

Falkner frowned and took a quick look at his Pokégear. “Oh! Ohhhh!”

“What’s wrong Leader?”

Broken Bonds (Pokemon Facfict)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ