Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

<Goldenrod City>

The professor sighed as he stepped out of the train station. Goldenrod City was crowded as usual and people were rushing around for whatever reason. His past couple of weeks has been the same – wake up, do paperwork, sleep, rinse and repeat. Although this was a welcome change to his usual routine, his reasons here were anything but.

“Professor Maple?” A voice called out to him.

Kenneth turned to see a skinny man wearing a pair of thick-rimmed spectacles. “Yes?”

“You’ve came! The director is expecting you.” The man said as he rubbed his hands gleefully together.

“Can you at least tell me why I’m being called here on such an urgent notice?” Kenneth asked. “From what I could establish from the director’s garbled voice, I presume something bad had happened at the museum?”

The man’s expression darkened as he spoke in a softened voice. “Come, professor. I’ll explain while we walk.”

Kenneth nodded and trudged beside the man. For some reason, he knew that it was going to be a very long day for him.

“This way, please.” The man beckoned politely and the duo slowly headed in the general direction of the museum.

“So…” Kenneth said as he walked slowly. “Are you going to talk or not?”

“Yes, of course.” The man nodded furiously as he rubbed his hands together again. “You see, the Goldenrod Museum of Fine Arts have been… How do I put it… it’s been…”

“Just say it!” Kenneth prompted harshly.

“R-R-Robbed!” The man spurted. “There has been a robbery.”

Kenneth could already feel the pressure in his heart begin to rise. A robbery? He thought it was only a minor fire or some flooding incident which required his attention. Could this day get any worse?

Kenneth quickly took a couple of deep breaths before asking his next question. “W-W-Wha…” Arceus dammit, why could he not speak properly? He gave himself a mental slap before continuing. “What was taken?”

This question seemed to cause the man to sink even lower. “We don’t know yet, Professor.”

“You don’t know? How can you not know! Isn’t everything on display in the museum catalogued and sorted properly?” Kenneth demanded.

“It wasn’t the museum that was broken into… it was the vaults.”

Kenneth lowered his head and started rubbing his temples with his fingers. So… it could get worse. Much worse…


<Goldenrod City, Museum of Fine Arts>

“Professor! Our savior! You’ve come!” A friend immediately greeted him outside the museum.

Kenneth looked at the man. He had not changed much – still his usual pudgy and helpless self. However, the smile that Kenneth knew and loved was turned upside down, a sure sign that something very bad had happened. “Aidan… Good to see you again.” Kenneth said slowly.

Aidan vibrated his head slightly and replied, “Y-Yeah.”

“This man had already told me what’s happened.” Kenneth gestured towards his guide.

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