#14 Christmas Cookies

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Prefs. 66-70

LIAM: Ginger Breads/Biscuits - He loves decorating the little men and women. And, you always make sure to make a couple holding hands, meaning you guys.

HARRY: Colorful Snowflakes - You and Harry love making and indulging them. You make sure to make white cookies covered in white icing, and then decorated with bright colours.

NIALL: Twisted Candy Canes - The wonderful colours and flavours twisted together, taste amazing, and are fun! You guys always playfully feed each other. (Two dough strings, twisted)

ZAYN: Big Trees and Mini Ornaments - This easy recipe is fun for you, Zayn, and all the little nieces and nephews you both have. It is so cute, hanging the mini colourful ornaments on the bright green tree.

LOUIS: Mini Reindeer - Louis always loves when you guys make these because they are so cute and easy to make! (Chocolate Chips as eyes, and mini chocolate covered pretzels as ears)


Made these all.

Sorry! I forgot to post this, but hopefully its fine. I know its a small and boring one, but hopefully I can write longer and better ones in the future of 2014!

Happy Early New Year, or if you are reading this after New Years, Happy New Year! :)

Maddie xxxx

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