16: Present

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Jenna awoke on a small bed in the future project room. Noticing all of the other kids sitting up joyfully, she started to panick. 

"I died!" She suddenly blurted out loudly. Everyone turned to her.

"I died and there was an alien invasion and the aliens were created by experiments on humans. We won though." She started to sobb. "Now it's all going to happen."

The fifteen year old boy came to her. "We all saw the aliens," he told her.

Jenna stared wide eyed at all of the participants, thanks to her death in the future, all futures were the same, because it was going to happen.

Looking around the room some more she noticed everyone was leaving, so she got up to leave. Seeing the electronic insect that had sent her to the future lying on her bed, she flinched. Bolting out of the room, she saw her parents. She leapt into their arms. 

"There's gonna be an alien invasion, mom and dad." 

Her parents started leading her to the door. Taking one last look around the room she noticed an attractive boy with brown hair and bright blue eyes, listening carefully she heard his mother call him Eric. 

Jenna broke away from her parents and ran up to the boy.

"Um, hi," he sputtered.

"Eric?" The boy nodded to her.

"Wait a second. You're Jenna," he realised. Jenna nodded vigorously. Eric stood staring at his future wife.

"I can't wait until we meet again" she skipped back to her parents. On her way home, she looked out the window of the car. Yes, perhaps there will be an alien invasion, but she still had another ten years, and all would be well in the end. Now she was back in the present.

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