Chapter 27: What did you get yourselves into?

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"Ron don’t yell!" Hermione scolded

"Sorry 'Mione." He flashed his lopsided grin

"It’s alright." She went on her tip toes and kissed Ron gently when Harry and Ginny popped in

Covered in blood.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Hermione Screamed


"We went to Susan's aunt office and she told us where Susan lived so we went there and..." Ginny started to  break down and harry calmly soothed her.

"The death eaters where there she...she was one of them! I couldn't believe it me and Ginny were so shocked we just stood there but then they started to attack us and well we barely made it out." Ginny was using Harry to support her body they both looked pretty beat up.

"But that makes no sense! Susan was never like that from what I can remember of her what happened?" Ron asked confused.

"Well isn't it obvious?" Hermione said in a know-it-all way while the two boys just stared at her.

"She was probably under the imerio curse." 

"Oh yeah!" The boys said But then Ginny started swaying a little on her feet and harry grabbed her before she hit the ground.

"Ginny!" He yelled.

"Harry put her on the couch and I’ll look at her wounds." Harry softly laid her down on the plum colored couch and Hermione made quick work of checking her out


"She has some bruises on her arms and stomach she also has some cuts and gashes on her face and hands. She’ll be okay I put some Essence of Dittany on her cuts and the bruises should clear up in a few days."

"Thanks so much Hermione. I’m going to just stay here with her she'll he horribly upset if she wakes up alone after all of that." 

"That's okay Harry we understand mate." Ron patted Harry on the back and then grabbed Hermione's hand

"Lets go to the kitchen love." 

"Alright." As soon as they got into the kitchen Ron cast the muffliato spell.

"Who do you think did that to Susan?"

'I don't know it could've been anyone. Luscious maybe?"

"Yeah that sounds about right Luscious would probably be the ring leader of this mess if he isn't I would swear Bellatrix came back alive." Hermione just stared blankly past him with distant eyes.

"Hermione are you alright?"

"I hate this.” She whispered

"You hate what?"

"This! The fighting and risking our lives again! I just want it to be over I don't want to live it day to day not knowing what'll be next who will be next." She said softly sobbing. Ron went over to her and hugged her tightly

"Shhh it'll be okay only another 2 and a half weeks and then this'll all be done and over with for good."

"But Ron don't you get it? This time is different! This time I’m not just fighting for my life I’m fighting for two lives!" She said breaking down again

"Yes Hermione your right it's different this time. Yes your fighting for two but so am I so is harry so is Ginny and the rest of my family. Don’t you see we're all fighting for each other protecting each other with our lives? So your not alone your not the only one fighting for another life." He smiled down at her and kissed her quickly on the lips.

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