Chapter 36: Finale

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So I did shortly post this before but I decided to combine two chapters into one so if you just read this within the last 30 minutes sorry but I added to it at the very end

"I think It's perfect." He leaned in and captured Hermione's lips to convey just how perfect he thought their names sounded together. It's not just coincidence that they had picked names that complimented each other so well. It really showed how perfectly they fit together. Although Ron no longer thought about how he wasn't meant to be with Hermione, this still solidified that they were perfect for each other. After releasing her lips with a sigh he stood up and offered her his hand. "I think Ginny made dinner if you're up to it?"

Hermione bit her lip and grinned "That sounds like just what I need."

Hermione's P.O.V.

It's been such a whirlwind since we started this crusade that I was beginning to think that this day would never come. October 3rd. Right on the dot. Now that it's finally upon us I can't help but feel a little uneasy at the impeding battle that will take place. Everything had just started to turn around. All four of us got married, I was expecting... it certainly feel right to be gearing up for a possible 2nd war. Regardless to these thoughts we still were doing, we had to for the sake of everyone who had already been taken by the madness of the first war we had to keep the peace. We have to stop this uprising before it destroyed all the steps we were taking towards recovery. As I look around the Weasley's I can't help but smile at all the help that's turned up. Everyone milling around the yard casually and easily talking to each other. If you didn't know any better you'd think this is some sort of git together of long lost friends. Not an army getting ready to go to war.

I see Neville and Hannah talking with Luna about something, that from the looks of Hannah and Neville, must be something very peculiar as they have a somewhat confused look on their faces. I see Alicia shyly talking to Dean Thomas, tucking her smooth hair behind her ear and laughing at something he said. I see my husband in an animated conversation to Lee Jordan and smile. They're probably talking about some stupid Quidditch match coming up. Ron sees me staring at him and waves me into their conversation.

"Hey 'Mione come say hello to Lee." I make my way across the grass lawn to the pair.

" Hello Lee long time no see." I lean over and give him a hug. " How are you doing?"

"Not to bad Hermione. Congratulations by the way to the pair of you I heard you were expecting."

I look down blushing while Ron takes no time at all to reply, slinging his arm around my shoulder and hugging me too him, " Yeah we just found out not too long ago. It's a bit nerve wracking though, being in charge of a whole other life."

"I'm sure you guys'll be great parents. I mean with smarts like your Hermione I don't know if it'd be possible for you guys to be bad parents." Lee smiles genuinely.

"Thanks Lee that means a lot." I respond. It truly does help me when people reassure me. I mean how am I suppose to know if I'll make a good mum or not when I've never done it before?

"No problem guys. I just hope everything going on here turns out alright." and just as Lee says that Harry starts to speak up to get everyones attention.

"Hey everyone if I could have your attention that'd be great. Alright umm I'm going to try to make this short and simple. You all know why we're gathered here today as we've specifically came to each and everyone of you to ask for your help. I hope you all know how thankful we all are that you've showed up and agreed to help us with this hopefully last battle. I have no clue what we'll be walking into tomorrow and frankly that terrifies me. There could be hundreds or there could only be ten I don't know but what we can do right now is come up with some sort of plan and practice it. There's no knowing what tomorrow will bring."

When Harry's speech is done theres not a single word spoken for a few minutes, everyone just stands there and let's what he said just sink in. The inevitable unknowingness of what tomorrow brings. Eventually everyone starts shuffling around to try to gain some sort of plan. I just hope whatever we come up with will be good enough because if it isn't. This will all go down in flames.



We creep along side of the abandoned warehouse the remaining death eaters have holed up in. It's misty this morning with the rain that had mane last night quite dried up by the morning sun. I'm in the middle of my group with Ron right next me giving my hand one last squeeze. I had originally wanted to be in the front but quickly decided against after remembering that I was in fact pregnant. I didn't want to have to put this baby in more risk that I already was. Harry's group would be the main group. They'll most likely be the first ones engaged in fighting as they were going to head into the warehouse straight on. We sit there anxiously waiting for our queue that hasn't been given yet.

"What's taking them so bloody long?" I hear Ron whisper in my ear.

"We got here early Harry's group won't be here for another 5 minutes."

"What the bloody hell." Ron mutters. He's just as anxious as I am to get this show on the road. I want nothing more thank for this to be over.

Finally I see Harry leading his group into the warehouse and grit my teeth nervously. Here we go. I instantly see the emotion of my group switch for disinterested to high alert. I hear Harry trying to convince them to stop this. Trying to tell them that it's not worth it it's not going to get them anything other than dead. Their leader is long gone and so is there cause.

But to no avail it's useless as I soon hear laughter follow Harry's speech. That's when I hear our queue. Harry calls out "Stupefy!" casting the first spell. We all rush in and it's a mad dash for me to grasp onto the situation at hand. On one side their aren't many death eaters. Maybe only 15 or 20 of them. But on the other side who knows how capable they are.

Ron and I instantly fall in step beside Harry and Ginny forming a square with our backs all pressed against each others. Everyone start to fall into old habits and it's like we never left DA. We're all beside one another fighting as a team. I'm sure it would have been a truly astonishing sight to see. As the number of death eaters starts to dwindle our square gets more spread apart. We start helping people magically bind their hands together. That's when it all went wrong.

As I finished helping Angelina bind a death eat's hands I was suddenly thrown sideways onto the floor.

"What do you think you're doing? You filthy mudblood." Confused as to who was attacking me I instantly try to stand up and try to defend myself. This attempt is all in vain as I'm thrown again into a support beam knocking my wand out of my reach. I slam into the support beam body first, with my head following. I hear someone let out a scream but I don't even register it as my own. I see dark spots start to cloud my vision. I try to race against my vision and attempt to heave myself up to look for my wand but I'm kicked down again onto my back.

I see the face of a man intent on death loom over me. "You deserve this, bitch." He spits but before he can even raise his wand I see him collapse onto the floor. I see Ron and Luna rush over to me but I don't ever feel them get to me because by then I'm already out like a light. And the last thought going through my mind what's going to happen to my baby?



Hey guys this is really winding down now I'm planning about two more chapters (since I combined two into one this chapter) and then this will be it for the Epilogue. It's a relief really I've been writing this story for far to long and to be honest I'm ready for it to be over and to move on to different projects. That being said there will be no sequel to this. I don't know if anyone was hoping for one but my heart is just not in it anymore so really it'd be almost painful for me to write a sequel. I will probably post other things and I do truly hope you'll read and enjoy them. Please vote and comment please I'd love to hear your input!

Thanks for sticking around this long,


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