Chapter 11: Wedding Bells

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Okay guys I decided to fast forward to august because they're really wasn't anything else I could think would happen then so I just fast forward a bit Sorry if that's confusing. So I hope you like it and here’s the chapter


The day of Harry and Ginny's wedding was finally here it seemed not so long ago that they just started dating everything has happened so fast! It was hard to think in a month’s time it would be hers and Ron’s turn. She placed the Vail on Ginny’s head and let it flow down her back.

"Oh Ginny you look amazing!"

"Awe thanks Hermione but this wouldn't have been this beautiful if it wasn't for you. You planned everything!"

"No I didn't I just touched things up it’s your wedding you picked everything out."

"Yeah but you put it all together."

"Yeah well that’s what I like to do."

"Thank you so much really it's perfect."

"Thanks Gin." Hermione said holding back tears

"OH GINNY YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!" Mrs.Weasley squealed

"Thanks mom." Ginny blushed. Then Mrs.Weasley began to cry.

"I just can't believe it you all are soo grown up! It seems only yesterday that Ron met harry on the train!" she blubbered

"And then we sent you off the next year! Who would off thought you and harry would have ended up together!" she continued

"Mom you making a scene." Ginny whispered as a few people walked past the door looking strangely at the blubbering Mrs.Weasley

"Oh sa sa sa sorry honey." she stuttered

"Well I think it’s almost time! Mrs.Weasley can you go get Mr.Weasley?"

"Oh! Yes of course dear." she scampered off 

"Okay Ginny I’ll go down the isle then you count to 10 and follow me alright?"

"Okay." she smiled

"Alright when your dad gets here we'll start." and soon enough 5 minutes later Mr.Weasley arrived

"You look beautiful." he said breathlessly

"Thank you." 

"Alright ready gin?"

"Yeah, I Am." she grinned. Hermione smiled back and cued the music. It was a short bridal party there was only a flower girl and another bridesmaid before Hermione then before Hermione went down the isle on her cue she whispered "good luck Ginny you look amazing." then glided down the isle and took her place across from Ron.

"You look beautiful." he mouthed

"Thanks you look very handsome." she mouthed back and then turned to watch Ginny gracefully descend down the isle. There wasn't one person in the room who wasn't staring at her with tear filled eyes. When she finally reached her destination her father gave her to harry.

"Take care of her now."

"You bet I will." harry smiled. The rest of the ceremony went as planned with few outbursts of crying from both Mrs.Weasley and Ginny the preacher finally announced the final words.

"I now pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride." then with a load of wolf whistles they kissed and then walked down the isle. Then Ron and Hermione followed.

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